When A Door Closes, A Door Opens

When a door is closed, a door opens

Life is full of opportunities, you just need to know how to seize them. This is why today we are talking about doors that open. Sometimes we feel that, when something ends, the world collapses on us. However, there are other ways of looking at the situation: perhaps we have been blessed with the gift of a new chance, a chance to start another exciting adventure.

Now we offer you a reflection exercise. In the next few minutes, we will ask ourselves together why the doors close, what experiences and pearls of wisdom each of them leave us and how we can take advantage of this new knowledge to open new worlds full of opportunities.

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Why do the doors close?

Has it ever happened to you that you have “closed a door”? Do not forget that we are speaking figuratively. A physical door can be closed by a push, the wind, the activation of a button, by mistakeā€¦ There are many possibilities.

And in human life, why do the doors close? There are many reasons related to dozens of possible scenarios. Here are some of them:

  • A couple relationship ends. When there is nothing left in your relationship to fight for, close the door. Where before there was fire and flames, now there is nothing but ash.
  • A friendship that breaks. It may happen that a friend betrays you to such an extent that you are unable to forgive him. Close the door that leads to him, to prevent him from hurting you again, and put an end to this relationship to take away the pain.
  • A job that comes to an end. Often when you have jobs you don’t like or when new profitable opportunities arise, you decide to leave your current job and look for other career paths. Sometimes, this can be a difficult and painful decision to make.

What happens when a door closes?

In most cases, closing a door involves enormous pain. Leaving your partner, because now there is nothing left of the feeling of the past, breaking a friendship, leaving a job that satisfied you, leaving the city where you live … All these situations can generate a strong feeling in you of sadness.

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Now try to think about the circumstances that led you to close these doors. Why did you get to this point? What happened to leave your partner, a person who was once the center of your life? Why do you have to leave a city where you feel comfortable?

Think long and hard about the decisions you make and why you have come to this situation. Do not judge others exclusively for what is happening to you and also identify your share of guilt, because there is always something you could have improved or said before, or maybe not, but it is good that you know the state of things, that you analyze it and that you learn from it.

A door opens

Once you close the door and reflect on the facts that have led you to the current situation, it is time to discover new opportunities and enjoy the world that opens up before your eyes. Embrace it with all the strength you have in your body, because there is still a lot to do.

You went through a bad experience because you had to close the door that led to someone or something you loved, cared about, or was hurting you. You have pondered and learned difficult and wise lessons after it happened. Now, with the experience you have gained, you must look to the future with optimism and discover the new opportunities that present themselves before your eyes.

You now have more experience and wisdom. Use them to learn from your mistakes and avoid repeating them. Learn from the correct things you have done and strengthen this right path for the future. Take advantage of all the opportunities that life offers you.

Nothing ends. Whether you have abandoned a loved one or lost a great love, your life does not end. You still have a lot to do, many doors to open, adventures to live, people to meet, jobs to start, cities to visit!

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