Type B Personality: Main Characteristics

Do you know that there are different personalities? Find out what type B personality is and what characteristics people who fall into this type possess.
Type B personality: main characteristics

Type B personality, what is it? Personality, in general, is the set of characteristics that distinguish and characterize us as human beings and which, moreover, in a certain sense herald our behaviors and attitudes.

There are different approaches and theories to explain personality, and some focus on defining different types. However, this does not mean that we belong 100% to a specific category, as it is normal for each of us to have characteristics belonging to different categories.

In this article we will focus on the classification developed by cardiologists Rosenman and Friedman to explain the type B personality .

Characteristics of type B personality

The type B personality, considered the healthiest and most common, is a model characterized by flexibility and docility. These are people who are calm, relaxed, empathetic, assertive, open to social relationships and with a tendency to emotional well-being. They are also aware of their limitations and are not hostile.


Type B personality is relaxed and calm, that is, it is not easily altered, as it exhibits low levels of impulsiveness and high levels of self-control.

His communication style is assertive : he expresses his opinion and his feelings, both positive and negative, in an appropriate, respectful and non-aggressive way.

Woman meditating


Seeing a type B personality in a hurry is a rather rare event, as they tend to enjoy their commitments while taking their time. Generally leads a quiet and regular life. When he’s late, he still takes it slow and doesn’t get stressed out. He feels comfortable focusing on a single idea or activity and often stops to evaluate his own achievements and analyze progress.

He usually goes to bed late and participates in recreational and sports activities. He knows how to distribute and organize his time, which is why his day seems to have more hours than anyone else’s.


The person who has type B personality traits knows how to listen and put himself in the shoes of others, that is, he practices active and empathic listening. Plus, she loves helping others and inspiring action and social change.


She feels satisfied with herself, so she doesn’t feel the need to compete or feel superior to others. She usually accepts life as it is and lets things take their course, as she is more concerned with her own personal well-being.

At a working level, it combines creativity and commitment; therefore, despite the slowness, it obtains high acknowledgments. Its motto is quality versus quantity.


Type B personality is warm and lovable, that is, possesses a mild temperament. She is usually sweet, charismatic and kind to others, as she manages to create a calm and relaxed atmosphere.


This personality is distinguished by a high level of self-esteem. He is a person who has full confidence in himself, knows how to recognize his own value along with his own limitations. He always places himself on a level of equality in relations with others.

Woman with heart in hand

Health in type B personalities

Those with this type of personality tend to maintain good health by being less prone to disease. This is also due to the better ability to manage stress and anxiety.

Type B personalities perceive stressful events as opportunities for change and tend to recover quickly after a crisis. Furthermore, this is the most balanced type and best suited to any circumstance.

Curiosities about the different types of personalities

If you are curious and want to know more about other personalities, such as A, C and D, and the possible diseases or risk factors associated with them, remember the following:

  • Even if you find yourself in a specific type, this does not mean that you will necessarily have to suffer from all the associated diseases. It will certainly make you more vulnerable, yes. It is intended as a probable risk factor.
  • Those who suffer from one of the diseases associated with the typology do not necessarily also correspond to the personality type. It doesn’t work the other way around. Diseases can be due to several other factors.
  • This classification of personalities is not global, that is, if you do not identify with any one it is more than normal. These are only classifications that involve risks.

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