Those Who Truly Love Us See The Love Behind Our Anger

Those who truly love us see the love behind our anger

Love is not enough: we seek love that has an authentic flavor. A taste of permanence, but also of unpredictability. We look for love in the people we have offered ours to, and we look for it in ourselves too, as we have to put up with each other for life, so why not do it with affection?

The truth is that love has to do with all our emotions : with the joy of finding it, with the sadness of distance, with the anger caused by betrayal, with the fear of loss, with the sorrow of absence. and with surprise (because many of the experiences we accumulate always have something new to teach us). Of course, it also has to do with hunger and thirst, because … Is there a better feeling than dying of tenderness?

Those who love us see the pain behind our smile

The people who went down to the Underworld with us took our hand at times when all our investments and all our aspirations seemed lost. Even the present was disintegrating in our hands, as if it were pasta that had been boiling for hours.

Since they have passed all these tests and have borne the weight of hope with us, we can say that they are people who have truly offered us their love. Without ifs and buts, with a reliability that can only be given by faith, because it not only moves mountains, it also moves the heart, accompanying it in every movement. It moves the entire flow of life.

What makes them smile with us is knowing our history. They saw us cry in anger, punch the void, cover ourselves with a blanket over our heads denying everything that was outside, even their person.


On the other hand, with people who love us our masks don’t work. Probably a stranger cannot distinguish which of our smiles hides joy, which sadness and which nostalgia. Spending time with us and giving us attention gives them this power.

Those who love us see the love behind anger

People who love us know the anger we can build up when we are flooded with disappointment or a sense of betrayal. It is friends and family that huddle around us when our partner fails or it can be our partner who is close to us when friends or a family member leave.

Those who love us see our anger and our disconsolation. He understands the reasons behind the sleepless nights and the looks into the emptiness of the half-light. Moreover, our anger is often theirs too, because when we trust, they do too. Our love is a compass for the hearts of others.

Precisely because they understand our anger, they know where they can touch us, they know what are the mechanisms of our mind and our habits that can restore calm. A calm taken away from the person or thing that has gone away forever. Furthermore, when we are swollen with anger, we tend not to be pleasant company, but they prefer to continue to love us rather than follow the urge to abandon us.


Those who love us see the reasons behind our silence

The ability to interpret our silences is probably the purest and unquestionable proof of love, because it implies a very deep knowledge. Knowledge given by the ability to communicate with a look, with a caress, with a gesture of the hands. Only those who have offered us their love can read everything we say without opening their mouths.

Because it is often very difficult for us to disturb the air with our voice. Maybe we are faced with someone in front of whom we do not want to get naked or simply do not find the words. Those who love us know how we are and, given this information and those regarding the situation in which we find ourselves, they do not need to hear things said.

As you have seen in this article, only those who truly love you see the pain that sometimes hides behind your smiles, the love that lies behind the anger you manifest and the reasons that explain your silences. This is why love is a priceless good.

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