They Call Me Crazy Because I Daydream

They call me crazy because I daydream

Daydreaming means imagining a world that cannot be seen or touched, but which can take the shape we want. We are not crazy because we dream, crazy are those who do not dream  and remain motionless for fear of not being able to realize their dreams.

Very often others tell them to stop dreaming, to go back to the real world and to accept life as it is. However, we like dreams and they can help us continue our journey.  

Dreaming is free

Our mind is able to imagine fantastic worlds, possible and impossible situations, millions of colors and infinite possibilities. Dreaming means building a bridge between what does not exist and what could exist.  

girl dreams

This incredible capacity of human beings is sometimes seen by those around us as something that distances us from the real world and does not allow us to go back. In order not to dream, we miss out on great opportunities to create reality.  

It is true that there is a point of reason in all this if we consider achievable what we always dream of. The secret could lie in that mid-point where our dreams pass through a filter, the filter of the possible or not. Dreaming is unlimited, but reality is not.  

When we daydream, the most important thing is to know what we are doing. Take those wonderful ideas and ask ourselves if one day we will be able to put them into practice or if on the contrary they are just dreams. We must fight to make dreams come true and to transform those that are not into art into art.  

Dreaming creates reality

Without dreamers and dreamers, we would not have many works and creations. Perhaps all the best ideas were born thanks to the dreams and questions of people, who wondered if they were possible. Dreaming can transform the world. Without the ability to dream, we would not have been able to move forward in the social struggle, in science, in the arts and in human relationships. Without dreams, we would always accept what we see and believe that it is the only possible option. 

red-haired girl looks at the horizon

They say that dreams are just that, dreams, and that the abstraction of the real world allows us to observe reality from a distinct perspective or, better yet, to create a different one. Dream of a better tomorrow and maybe it will really be like that.   

Dreams are dreams

On the other hand, obsessing over making our dreams come true at all costs turns us into unhappy people. Thinking about what we don’t have is a prerequisite for being unhappy. There are realizable dreams and others are just fantasies .

We can’t even make the mistake of believing that following your dreams is the only way to be happy. There are times when a simple life, good company and calm are enough to live a full life. Wanting to make dreams come true is a personal choice, not an obligation.   

They say that sometimes happiness is in the little things, and maybe that’s true. Other people, on the other hand, don’t believe this is the case. Dreams are as unique as each of us is.  

And if you have decided to embark on the path towards the realization of a achievable dream, you must know that it will not come true without effort and that others will not be doing what you should do. A dream will not come true by magic: it takes sweat, determination and hard work.   

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