The Sixth Sense: The Voice Of Intuition That Guides Us In Life

The sixth sense: the voice of intuition that guides us in life

The sixth sense is none other than the intuitive capacity of the human being. It is about that clear inner voice that comes from the heart, but to which we often tend not to listen. Often the “felt” ideas have more value than the “thought” ones, because they are the reflection of our authentic being.

The question, therefore, is whether we can really rely on our sixth sense. The answer is very simple: you have to give it the value it deserves. Keep in mind that we are not talking about “extrasensory perceptions” or “precognition”. Insights are ideas that, almost without knowing how, are given to us by the brain. The sixth sense, in reality, is the delicate search, in the vastness of our unconsciousness, for an adequate response in a moment of need.

Sometimes, when you know a person, an inner voice tells us not to trust them. When we have to make a decision about something, even after thinking about it, we always end up choosing the option we heard from the beginning. The sixth sense is always there, hidden, but present. With discretion it guides, shaping our reactions, all the actions we perform in our life.

This dimension is to be considered absolutely reliable, and therefore it is worth considering the importance it is assuming today. Having a good emotional intelligence means being able to dig deeper into oneself, adapting in the best way to the surrounding world. In this way, we will be more efficient in our work and happier in our relationships. We explain why.


The sixth sense and its privileged “place” in the brain

We know that the brain works through data and information that are connected to each other. Yet our brain cannot know anything, and is often forced to improvise. In fact, it does this much of the time . It improvises on the basis of our experiences, on what we have seen, heard and interpreted, in order to generate an intuition in this way.

Either way, it must be clear in mind that the sixth sense is a fabulous survival system. In other words, it is comparable to an “alarm system”. When something doesn’t work or when we need to react quickly and effectively, this fascinating inner circuit, this compass, is activated. Thanks to these “gifts” in the form of insights, we are able to adjust the aim of our behaviors to activate an effective response.

In recent years this theme has attracted increasing interest, up to the discovery of the exact point in our brain where the sixth sense develops. Scientists from the ” Washington University of St. Louis ” indicate the anterior cingulate cortex of the brain, a region located between the two hemispheres, as the area in which our intuition would develop. There is more: according to experts, this area would be able to connect with our “unconscious mind” to warn us in case of danger.

This is undoubtedly a fascinating aspect.

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Characteristics of people with sixth sense

In 1930, when a reporter asked Albert Einstein if he really believed in his theory of relativity, he replied that ” the only really valuable thing is intuition “. He was totally aware that his studies were correct, he “sensed” it.

Einstein, with his personality and the genuine trust he felt for his work, is a great example of the sixth sense. Sometimes, we don’t necessarily need to see and touch a thing to be able to believe it. No one will ever be able to tell us with absolute certainty, for example, that the path we have taken will not lead us to success if we perceive it this way. We don’t even need to go through an entire library to know that we love and are loved. The heart tells us, intuition tells us.


Traits that characterize people with a sixth sense

First of all, it is good to know that the sixth sense can be trained and practiced day after day. To do this, we can rely on several interesting books such as Robin Hogarth’s “Educating Intuition” or Malcolm Gladwell’s “Intuitive Intelligence”.

Similarly, these authors show us how common it is to develop an authentic sixth sense between the ages of 40 and 50. It is an age of great inner growth, an awakening of our emotions and our authentic needs. However, it is possible to summarize the characteristic traits of a person with greater intuitiveness as follows:

  • Listen to her inner voice.
  • He connects with his loneliness very frequently, enjoying those moments.
  • She is very creative.
  • He also has developed analytical skills.
  • He is a very attentive person who practices full attention.
  • He listens to his body with a specific purpose: to learn to tune it in order to pay maximum attention to his “intuitions”.
  • He takes into account his dreams.
  • He doesn’t like to respect the rules.
  • He loves to take risks.
  • He makes many mistakes, but he learns from them.
  • He is an independent person.

Taking a life perspective based on these strategies will undoubtedly lead us towards more liberating, more satisfying paths. Because after all, the intellect is always right, but at the same time intuition is almost never wrong.

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