Take Care Of Your Self-esteem

Take care of your self-esteem

Having a healthy self-esteem is of primary importance for every human being, since it makes us face life with greater confidence and joy, leading us to achieve more goals and opening many more doors. Ultimately, to make us feel more fulfilled.

6 symptoms of low self-esteem

1. Conformism, lack of motivation

. We stop fighting for our dreams because we believe we are unable to make them come true. We consider ourselves not very courageous.

2. Shyness, fears, insecurities

. Infinite fears of having a bad end, of what others say about us, of appearing ridiculous. Inability to take initiative.

3. Neglect, both physical and habits

. You neglect your physical condition or, on the contrary, you can go to the opposite extreme: excessively heal yourself to fill the void with self-esteem. The person does not lead a healthy life, eats poorly, does not play sports, etc.

4. Negativity and stiffness

. Whatever happens, every mistake made, derives from a lack of respect for oneself, from debasement and self-punishment. The person is not very understanding and flexible with himself.

5. Rejection of change and perfectionism

. The person is overly stressed by any changes that occur in their life, even if it is positive. He prefers to stay in the field of the known for fear of not being up to par in another situation. He is also a perfectionist, because doing something wrong would cause self-punishment, inner brooding and greater personal debasement.

6. Maltreatment of others

. Many people with low self-esteem explode against others in order to feel more courageous, as if one manages to victimize someone else, they will feel that they have power and stand out over others. This situation gives them relief and is self-deception, as they believe they are superior.

What can be done to increase one’s self-esteem?

Here are 8 habits that can help you achieve healthy self-esteem:


If one does not know one another, one cannot love. Have you ever loved someone you didn’t know? It is unlikely, since love comes from knowledge and sentimental discovery.

It is very important to know what our virtues and defects are, as otherwise we could not realize the next points. Many times one is unable to observe oneself realistically, as low self-esteem can distort reality, thus making the judgment excessively negative.

In such a case, it would be necessary to count on someone’s support – not just someone you trust, but someone who also has the knowledge to be able to help. Once you know who you are and where you are going, you can start living for real.

For example, a bird flies great, but if you put it in the water it won’t succeed at all. A person may be an IT ace, but he may not be very good at manual tasks.

The smartest thing, therefore, would be to direct one’s life towards information technology and not towards artisanal practices, even if many times the lack of self-knowledge leads to take the wrong paths. If you don’t know what your strengths and weaknesses are, your life won’t get on track.


We all have virtues and even defects. Everyone has it, but what happens with very self-confident people is that they focus completely on their qualities, leaving the negative sides to the background.

Thoughts are like a snowball that as it rolls continues to get bigger and bigger. For this reason, if your focus of attention is on defects, your insecurity and the feeling of discomfort will grow, instead focusing on your virtues will increase your confidence.


People with low self-esteem tend to give free rein to negative thoughts about themselves. They belittle themselves, think they are not very capable, that others are better, etc. There are even those who criticize themselves and insult themselves constantly.

You have to respect yourself and treat yourself with affection, otherwise it will be impossible to improve your self-esteem. Try to change your thinking habits, to change that internal dialogue you have with yourself. Make it a habit to address yourself with positive and admiring words.

Be patient with yourself and, above all, be very flexible and understanding. Throwing negativity at your own person will only serve to sink you deeper and deeper into insecurity.

You carry an enemy within you, who does not stop sabotaging you by telling you: “you cannot”, “you are not capable”, “this is not for you”, “you do not deserve it”, “you have no value”, “you will bad, don’t even try “… Replace that enemy with an ally who values ​​you and tells you:” you can do it “,” you are capable of it “,” you deserve it “,” I love you “,” you are a beautiful person “, “Try it and if it doesn’t go well, patience, you will learn and you will end up doing it well” …

If you get used to being your ally instead of an enemy, you will notice greater security in you, because the phrases that are repeated in your thoughts are crucial to stimulate you to believe in yourself.


Get rid of any labels. Do not associate your personal worth with anything external: not your workplace or your possessions or your success in love, etc. Your person has nothing to do with what you have.

Probably, if you have low self-esteem, you will feel inferior to others or debased because, for example, you are unemployed or because you do not have a partner, etc. The good news is none of this matters. You can have healthy self-esteem without the need to possess great external things, because what matters is not out there, but within each of us.

The key is to value yourself for who you are, for your values, your outlook on life, your way of treating others, your goodness, integrity, faithfulness, etc.



Everyone has to take their responsibilities. There is no point in blaming others for our insecurities and problems. Other people certainly influence us, but ultimately we make our choices, not them. We are responsible for our life.

What happens in the external context is one thing, but then we choose what to do in a certain situation.

If, for example, someone does not treat you well and you still decide to establish a relationship, then you cannot blame them for their unhappiness, because we have chosen them at some point, for inexperience, insecurity, etc. But it is our responsibility, so as we started something in the past, we can also finish it.

Everything we have in our life, whether it be positive or negative, we have somehow earned. While there are exceptions and sometimes bad luck leads us into situations we don’t choose, decisions can always be made that change things. But it is quite another thing to have the confidence and the courage to face this change.

By continuing to make excuses, by blaming others, you will not gain self-esteem, because if you refuse to take responsibility, you will not set the change in motion. Conversely, if you begin to do so and see that the helm of your life is in your hands, you will begin to take charge of it and have the courage to make decisions to change what is not satisfying.

Those actions you start taking to improve your life will give you a feeling of self-love, because you are already doing something to help yourself. Just as it feels gratitude and love when you receive someone’s help, if you help yourself, you will feel the same feeling.


It is important not to get carried away by the current. We can all manage our life, without leaving it at the mercy of fate.

You have to set goals and create action plans to get closer to them, because if you don’t have life goals, you won’t be able to use your tools to achieve something and this will lead you to get stuck in your personal development.

Self-esteem is formed on the basis of experiences and successes, so if you avoid facing situations and resolutions, you will not be able to improve it. It would be like expecting a basketball player to play excellently without having gone through the training phase and many hours of play.


What do you do when you love someone, be it a child, friend or family member? When we love and value a person, it comes naturally to us to take care of them and make the best of them. It seems as if we do not see its defects, multiplying its qualities instead.

It has to be like that with yourself too : taking care of yourself with a balanced diet, exercising, listening to your wishes, following your dreams, indulging in some whims, enjoying what you are passionate about, having the ability to say “no “When you wish, etc.

In addition to taking care of yourself, don’t forget to flatter yourself. Focus on your best self and take advantage of it, bring admiration and feel proud of it. We are unique beings and we all have virtues, what happens is that some people are unable to see them because they focus on their own flaws.

You must adopt the frequent habit of bringing inner appreciation for what good you have and for what you are getting, big or small. Even the fact of risking to face something that arouses fear is already a reason to bring admiration, because you are already doing something to improve your life and you must recognize this.

When you look through the eyes of love, everything is different  and this is exactly what you need to achieve: to love yourself in order to be able to see yourself with all that is positive. As you begin to love yourself more, it will be easy for you to notice your virtues.


Without acceptance, there is neither well-being nor security. When one’s faults are not accepted, they become stronger; on the contrary, when they are recognized and accepted, curiously they will gradually diminish.

The concept of perfection, among other factors, causes a lack of acceptance. We grow with commercials and movies that instill perfection in us. When summer arrives, we hear about methods to get to the “swimsuit”, about care for a young and glowing skin, about toothpastes that promise a teeth whitening like a movie, etc.

They instill in us the idea that we must always look perfect, even if we don’t realize it, and this is one of the causes that can cause a lack of personal acceptance. Everything in life has its positive and negative sides, everything is a balance of pros and cons.

We need to know that everyone has a good side and a bad side, both physically and in personality traits. Accept that you are human like everyone else, with your positive and negative aspects as well.

We tend to accept only the good part, without realizing that the less positive side also serves us, it is there for something. There is no rainbow without rain, but the human being admires it and enjoys its beauty by complaining and rejecting the rain.

Everything has two complementary aspects; if you reject your faults, your self-esteem will suffer. You have to accept them and, curiously, they will improve in this way.

Accepting oneself does not mean resigning oneself. It’s okay to try and improve on something we don’t like. Accepting oneself means not feeling uncomfortable for aspects of us that we do not like and if at first we cannot change them, we are capable of not rejecting them and accepting that we are like this in this moment, without disturbances, anguish or negative feelings.

You have to accept yourself even when you don’t like something about yourself. You have to love yourself all the same and work to improve on your shortcomings, without negative feelings, but with love.

Image courtesy of Alba Soler

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