Stubbornness And Firmness: What’s The Difference?

Stubbornness and firmness are the opposite poles of the same reality. While stubbornness is supported by one’s resistance to listening to reasons, firmness is nourished by reflection and reasoning and can therefore change direction.
Stubbornness and steadfastness - what's the difference?

Stubbornness and steadfastness are like coal and diamond. Stubbornness is associated with beliefs, while steadfastness has to do with a rigid and inflexible posture. The fundamental difference is that stubbornness does not listen to reasons, unlike firmness. At the same time, one is rooted in feelings and the other in reason.

In the beginning, obstinacy can also be considered a virtue. Sometimes it is necessary to achieve goals that are not achieved immediately. It is also a very good quality when there is a need to defend one’s principles or resist adversity. The problem begins when you become deaf or blind to facts, ideas or realities that question the validity of your stubbornness. Here is the exact point that defines the notable difference between stubbornness and firmness .

Firmness, on the other hand, is the result of a process of reflection. Obviously it calls into question desires and passions, even if these remain subordinate to reason. This open-mindedness is what puts a great distance between stubbornness and steadfastness. What other factors define the contrast between one and the other? Read on to find out.

Characteristics of obstinacy

Stubbornness has several levels. It starts with the whim, very common in younger children, in which the reward is the desire for something, the desire itself. Although it is a childhood stage, it is not uncommon to find this type of behavior in adults.

A second level of stubbornness is typical of the stubborn. In these people an idea or a fixed purpose is manifested and no one can make them change their opinion. They do not even try to support their position, on the contrary they refuse to hear any reason that contradicts them. They just don’t listen.

The highest level that obstinacy can reach is obsession. The obsession is composed of an extreme passion for a certain physical or mental reality. It leads to fanaticism and, at times, to a psychological disturbance. Common sense disappears, at least with regard to this particular idea or goal. Not only those who demonstrate this disposition are unwilling to listen to reasons, but they end up being completely invaded by a certain idea.

Worried woman

Characteristics of firmness

Firmness or determination is the ability to be consistent or consistent with an idea, goal, feeling or reality. The fruit of a previous process that becomes conscious. It involves reasoning, evaluation and conclusions. We are shown firm because it has been established that this is the way it must be.

One of the big differences between stubbornness and firmness is that the latter remains open to new content. Thought is not final because a decision has been made or there is great determination. If the reality is clear, you can change your way of thinking.

To show firmness, willpower, conviction and perseverance are required. There is a desire of course, but not only. Cognitive and voluntary elements also come into play. The person is master of his beliefs and not the other way around.

Pensive man

Stubbornness and firmness, two opposite poles

While steadfastness is a virtue, stubbornness is a problem. Since the line that separates one from the other is not so defined, it is not uncommon to see people proud of their stubbornness. They think it’s determination or a test of strong character, in reality it’s the other way around.

The obstinate refuses to listen because he does not trust. He does not submit to analytical tests for what he thinks because he is afraid of being left without support. While firmness is based on judgment, obstinacy is based on prejudice and since this is reprehensible it does not allow itself to be subjected to the test of logic.

Stubbornness stagnates and isolates. What’s more, it blocks communication. It is not typical of strong spirits but of frightened minds who take refuge in fixed ideas to protect themselves from the uncertainty and changes that dominate reality. Stubbornness and steadfastness are made of the same material, but they represent opposite levels of evolution.

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