Sensitive People Are Of Few Words, But Their Souls Constantly Murmur

Sensitive people are of few words, but their soul murmurs constantly

Sensitive people speak their own language, that of emotions. It is a very intimate perceptual language, in which the heart is always on the edge of the skin and which at times makes one feel vulnerable.

However, sensitive people understand that their vulnerability can be an exceptional gift, a psychic sinew full of strengths. And obviously also dangers which, however, can be minimized by resorting to a really powerful weapon: emotional intelligence.

Sensitive people are always there, disguised and sometimes even immersed in the human landscape.  We know that it is not easy to live in a world that pushes us to be all the same, to react in the same way, to see reality through the same lenses… as if we all suffer from the same diopter and speak the same common language.

The daily life of highly sensitive people is often like the back of a hedgehog or the thorny stem of a rose. Everything hurts them a little more and, in turn, makes them more excited. All this is invisible to the eye of a spectator immune to such sensations and who ignores such sensitivity, to someone who, without respect or conscience, does not hesitate to tell them “you take it for everything, you have to be stronger and wake up”.

However, how can this be done? As explained in several works completed by Dr. Ted Zeff in his book “Survival Manual for Highly Sensitive People. Basic knowledge to live well in an over-stimulating world ”, highly sensitive people have a hypersensitive nervous system and some more active brain areas,  as in the case of the insula lobe and regions related to empathy and emotional reactivity.

It is not possible to be stronger when you have a brain that is attuned to the world on another frequency. Nobody can turn into someone they are not  and nobody can turn down the volume of their emotions when they do not overflow, when the soul does not speak and reality suddenly lights up with incredible shades that only the individual himself can see …

Sensitive people and the too loud volume of their surroundings

Perhaps many of you have a friend or family member who surprises you by his fine sense of smell and, above all, by his touch. There are certain tissues that he can’t stand because they bother him, because they cause itching or allergic reactions.

Sometimes a simple pinch or higher-than-normal sound causes him intense pain. There are also people who, in the middle of a meeting or a party, isolate themselves in a corner and just want to go home.

Their threshold of sensory perception is different, as Judith Orloff, psychiatrist and author of “Emotional Freedom” explains, these people perceive  every stimulus multiplied by 50.  Well, not everything is painful, because this perceptual and emotional threshold is also capable of tune into the beauty of life more intensely than others.

To say that high sensitivity is a gift, therefore, is not a mistake, even if it is true that the person must be able to manage and adequately filter every stimulus he receives.  When she succeeds, when she is able to create a protective shield to take care of her self-esteem and emotional integrity, she reaches an exceptional level of sensory maturity.

Highly sensitive people capture the singularity of the details,  silently reach fullness, in their moments of complete solitude, in which every activity, especially artistic, becomes vibrant, a synaesthetic explosion of sensations, of pleasure, of delicate emotions difficult to explain. for those who do not belong to that 20% of the population to which highly sensitive people (HSP) belong.

The highly sensitive man and his silent world

Alex has an appointment with his sister for coffee after work. He explains to her that he has had a kind of knot in his stomach all day and that he feels deeply exhausted. His boss made remarks about his role as sales manager, small criticisms that Alex did not welcome. In fact, they hurt him so much that his colleagues made fun of the subject all day. He knows that in the office they already have a nickname for him: “the drama-queen”.

This simple example shapes a complex reality experienced by many HSP men, because in reality, high sensitivity is not unique to the female gender. Half of the highly sensitive population is male, and these are the most threatened by a society that does not look kindly on “sensitive men”,  those people who experience their emotions on the surface, to whom criticism hurts the most, from easy tear, who prefer solitary sports to those in which you have to empathize with the surrounding environment.

Although high sensitivity is a topic already known to a large part of the population, there  are many people who continue to live in that silent corner in which to observe and be silent, in which not to be noticed, in which to sometimes keep safe distances not to get hurt. Everyone survives as best he can in a world of pins, we know; however, respect and that vital principle of “live and let live” should emerge from every environment in which we live, so that all can reach a true personal fullness.

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