Overcoming Stage Fright

Overcoming stage fright

It is a paralyzing nervousness, which attacks us at really inopportune moments. It takes up our whole mind and leaves it blank. We are talking about that fear, that  uncontrollable tremor that takes possession of us when we have to speak in front of others. Whether it’s giving a speech, singing, acting or receiving an award. Any situation in public can cause this withering panic. How to overcome stage fright?

First, you need to know that this fear is very common. Even the actor with the most self-esteem and self-confidence can experience it at a given moment.

For this reason, and even if it has never happened to you, it is good to know a few tricks to overcome stage fright and get out of such a compromising situation alive. It is necessary to train body and mind and to know how to control breathing.

Tips for overcoming stage fright

Previous relaxation

If you have to face an audience full of people waiting for you to say something, the first thing to do is try to calm your body and your mind. It’s about calming yourself inwardly so that you can appear calm and clear-headed in public.          

If you are a musician, an actor or have to deliver a speech to an audience, it is very important to stabilize the voice. It will be the tool you will use, so you need to make sure it is in good condition. Hum a song, clear your throat or try to warm it up.

Woman with microphone and audience

Very important!  Whisper words that bring you peace of mind and positivity.  And breathe deeply. Repeat this process five times. You will see that the beats will slow down and you will feel more confident. You can use phrases like:

  • “It will all be fine”.
  • “Have faith”.
  • “You can do it”.

You can also do some stretching. Move your head from side to side, relax your shoulders, stretch your back, legs and arms. It is a great way to release the body tension that you are generating yourself.

You can also create your own rituals or tricks.  For example, chewing gum, meditating, dressing in a certain color… The goal is to appear confident in public. And if you have to wait 5 more minutes for that, don’t worry. It is better to wait a while than to go on stage and allow fear to take hold of you.

Prepare your speech

Very often we feel nervous because we are not sure we have the subject we have to present in mind. It is therefore worthwhile to know him and feel capable of presenting the various key points.

Repeat this as often as you need to to feel safe. This does not mean memorizing each sentence, but having the main concepts clear and knowing how to express them in different words. This will make it easier for you to recover the thread if you lose it. It’s about feeling comfortable and juggling like a fish in water. All of this will help you overcome stage fright.

Try it in front of a mirror.  Speak, listen to yourself and correct mistakes. You can even film yourself while giving your presentation. Always better to be ready.

Use easily readable words and simple sentences.  If you use complex terms to pronounce or subordinate sentences that are too long, you will surely get confused and confused. This will make you more nervous and block you.

Man with microphone

Imagine the situation and discover the environment

Although it is often difficult to visit or discover the place where you will be face to face with the public, it is important to do so. This way you can imagine the scene, talking quietly with the audience and gaining self-confidence.

If it is impossible for you, go to the place in question a few hours before, when the spectators have not yet arrived. In this way you will become familiar with the environment in which you will have to move.

A few minutes before going on stage, you can also try talking to some spectators.  This closeness will relax you and calm your restlessness.

Calm and imagination during the speech

Speak slowly. A very agitated person tends to speak quickly. In this way, however, it is easy to be unclear. Noticing the buzz in the audience, you will panic and all the efforts you have made will be in vain. The secret is to exercise the speed of the words you speak.  

If you notice that your voice, hands and whole body are still trembling, try to breathe deeply. Count to 10 and imagine that the person most dear to you is in the room. Someone who loves you, respects you and supports you. You think it is that person who occupies every seat in the scenario. Feel its strength and positive energy accompany you.

Another of the tricks you can do to overcome stage fright is to imagine all the spectators in underwear or extravagantly dressed. In this way, it is not just you who will “undress” and make yourself vulnerable in front of the public.

Finally, remember: relaxation, preparation, imagination and concentration. These are the 4 steps to successfully overcome stage fright. Follow these tips and you will see that you will even begin to enjoy speaking in public.

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