It Didn’t Go As I Hoped, But It Was Worth It

It didn't go as I hoped, but it was worth it

“Life and circumstances separated us, but it was worth it …

I still remember your way of walking, of looking at me, how we laughed together at every nonsense, simply because we were happy together.

Life and circumstances separated us, but it was worth it… It was worth sharing secrets, hugs, kisses, wishes with you.

Life and circumstances separated us, but it was worth it …

Life has given us a gift: to make ourselves known and loved, and I don’t need anything else. I won’t complain by saying “It’s not fair, I lost it!” or “Destiny took it away from me!” Because the simple fact of having lived a small part of my life with you is enough to make me feel like a lucky person.

Life and circumstances separated us, but it was worth it …

I won’t cry because you’re gone, you made me happy. It made me believe again in love, in respect, in complicity.

You made me believe again in the perfect combination of two imperfect beings. Although I would have liked to have continued walking by your side.


Even if life took you away with the force of a hurricane, and even if I’ve never seen you again, I don’t care. The Your memory will live inside me forever.

Maybe I’ll fall in love again, I don’t quit. Life has the ability to surprise you without you even realizing it. Or it could happen that love no longer knocks on my door … who knows?

But whatever happens, your sweet kisses, your words of love and your way of calming me when I get mad will always have a special place in my heart.

Maybe I’ll fall in love again, I’m not hiding. Life can surprise me.

But whatever happens, the way you kissed my forehead and the hollow of my eyes … the way you took my hands in yours and looked at me in a way that made me feel special … the way you raised in the air, while we felt the masters of happiness, they will always have a special place in my heart ” .

The power of memories

Memories are the essence of people, of our experiences and moments lived. They are part of our history, and of our life path.

Whether they are good or bad, they have great power over us, because within a few seconds they can give us goosebumps, make a tear come out or, simply, draw a smile on our face; just like in the reflection that we have proposed to you, in which the writer is aware of the fact that things did not go as he hoped, but continues to keep alive the memory of what he has experienced and experienced. A memory feeds us, gives us strength.


For this reason, even if a relationship has ended for the most diverse reasons, its memory, its essence, its mark on the skin will remain there forever. And, even if you take your life back into your hands, what has been will always remain in you.

But be careful not to get too attached to memories, because these can also prevent us from closing certain wounds. Keep in mind that:

1. Having fond memories of the people we have loved is beautiful and positive. What we don’t have to do is get stuck in the past.

Life goes on and we need to be happy again, opening our minds to new experiences and people who can bring happiness back into our days.

2. Memories lived in an optimistic way are beneficial and help us feel that life has given us a gift and that we must feel lucky. There is always something to learn from lived experiences.

3. Memories are part of our life. When a person is gone, they help us feel close to us again for a while. We must relive them with joy and not with sad nostalgia. Hold on to the best and learn from the worst.

4. We must not use memories to torment ourselves by thinking about what we have lost. If we had no memories, our life would be empty. Perhaps we would have nothing to complain about, but not even anything to rejoice in.

Memories have a life of their own.

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