If Your Ego Doesn’t Leave You Quiet, Send It To Buy Some Humility

If your ego doesn't leave you alone, send it off to buy some humility

There is a type of ego that does not grant respite or rest: it is the one that suffers because the world is not at its height, it complains because it is not always right. You must know that there is no worse slavery than that of those who cling to their ego,  because happiness belongs to the soul, because those who are able to put it aside, with humility, can connect with the world through the heart.

We are faced with a psychological construct as complex as it is curious, which does not exclude good doses of pain. For example, the way in which the ego creates a form for itself through which it compares itself with the rest of people is sobering If we are lucky enough to fit his form perfectly, he will adore us, if not, we will turn into the center of his attacks and contempt.

We are sure that you know someone who behaves this way or maybe you are aware that you too, at times, act with a lot of importance to your ego. Just as a Chinese proverb says,  “it is easier to change the course of a river than a person’s character”.  

Nevertheless, it is never too much to reflect on this topic, at least to take it into consideration and meditate on it a bit.

head in the clouds

The ego and the egotistical mind

Eckhart Tolle is a writer known for bringing the current of the “here and now” to the general public.  In his works he identifies the most common sources of inner suffering that prevent us from connecting with our surroundings in order to be happy. In books such as “A New World”  he tells us about an interesting and useful term at the same time: the egoic mind. Furthermore, he does not doubt that it is one of the most complex sources of personal suffering.

For Tolle, people with an egoic mind are possessed by it.  They are obsessed with their own thoughts, judgments, values ​​and emotions, so much so that they live completely attached to their own history. There is nothing beyond this exclusive and personal horizon.

The egoic mind is persistent and repetitive, and thus originates a particularly destructive psychic energy.  We cannot forget that this type of personality tries to differentiate itself from other egos and to overcome them, gradually falling into a struggle as useless as it is frustrating, since the fight between egos has psychological suffering as its only consequence.

girl submerged in playing cards

How to ensure the rest of the ego

People, in whose mind the voice of the ego reverberates at every moment, will always try to change others, without making an effort to change themselves.  All of this generates frustration. In fact, you have probably met the typical people who complain that “relationships are very difficult”, who do not realize that they are the problem, and not others.

Eckhart Tolle himself tells us that he too had to undergo this transformation:  that of freeing himself from his ego, of “the more I have, the more I am worth”  and of all that inner noise that prevented him from attuning to life and the rest of people in an integral and humble way.

Even if it’s not easy, it can be done. We now propose that you reflect on this. By doing so, you will be able to interact better with a person with a high ego and also deactivate some of the behaviors that follow this line and that we all assume from time to time.

woman with hair in the wind

Key points to free yourself from the ego

To avoid being submissive to your ego, it is good to follow some key points. Let’s see them below:

  • In order to defend ourselves from those dysfunctional egos that belong to our surroundings, the best thing is not to react to certain behaviors. Ignoring means responding wisely and, moreover, it also means frustrating those who want to feel the center of attention.
  • A technique to “disarm” the ego is to find inner calm, to turn off the mental noise.  The ego is always looking for something: to add a little more of this or that to complete itself, to always be right.
  • The source of suffering associated with the ego will end when we focus on the present to seek a nobler, more humble end. No one understands the meaning of life until he submits his ego to the service of the human being. 

When we connect empathically with others and understand that “to be does not mean to possess” or that “to possess a lot does not mean that you are worth a lot” we immediately free ourselves from a flood of unnecessary burdens. Only then, when the egoic mind turns off, does our brave emotional mind turn on. 

hands touch butterflies in the sky

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