ICT Educational Trends In 2020

The 7 ICT educational trends that will arrive in 2020 will revolutionize the way of training as we know it today around the world, allowing us to reach a new technological level.
ICT educational trends in 2020

Many people argue that the future has already arrived. In fact, the United Nations has defined the current year as the year of the technological leap: global spending on digital transformation will grow by 40% compared to 2019. It is therefore  important to know the new educational trends of ICT for 2020 .

In the year 2020, as parents, teachers and educators we face a change in information and communication technology (ICT), which will be far greater than in previous years. It is time to learn new tools that, more than trends or fashions, are starting to become realities.

2020: the year of the most anticipated ICT educational trends

As we have said, according to the United Nations, 2020 is the year of the technological leap. Starting from this year, the definitive application of the educational trends on which so much work has been done will be a reality.

For this reason, we invite you to discover the most important, which will revolutionize the classrooms of our schools. Furthermore, these are particularly useful in the difficult time of home isolation from Covid-19 that we are experiencing.

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5G network

Beyond the international controversy surrounding this technology, its media relevance is more than justified. Thanks to the 5G network, connections will be faster and students and institutions will have the opportunity to count on a connection they never had before.

With the 5G network, the transfer of information will be faster. In addition, it will improve distance and adaptive learning on mobile devices and XR learning.


In addition to cryptocurrencies and the famous bitcoin, the blockchain, or the “block chain” that is the basis of these technologies, has very powerful applications that can be used in various fields, including education.

2020 is the year that blockchain technology was used to protect intellectual property, to administer goods and services, and to ensure food safety. In addition to these areas, it can also be used in educational establishments with pedagogical purposes.

Cyber ​​security and artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is also joining cybersecurity in ICT-associated education systems to increase speed, improve data analytics, 5G technology, and student knowledge of digital literacy.

Privacy and digital ethics

A big problem common to many parents and teachers concerns the limits to be set in the use of technologies. In the online world, many children and young people do not feel the responsibility to protect their personal privacy and act ethically.

In this sense,  new resources will be used this year to improve computer literacy. Students will be taught the different ways to safeguard their privacy and to behave ethically when using new technologies.

Other ICT educational trends


It is a combination of multiple and autonomous learning. For this purpose, some tools are used to automate digital processes. Trends will be established in the use of artificial intelligence to analyze, design and manage information that will enable adequate development of the use of ICT.

Edge computing

Edge computing is a kind of virtual place from which technological services are offered. It is a kind of hybrid cloud accessible online that combines public services managed by third parties, public or private entities.

It allows the use of various technologies, virtual reality and the internet and will be complemented by the use of 5G which will speed up data transfer.

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Educational ICT Trends 2020: Machine Learning

Machine learning, a scientific discipline derived from artificial intelligence, will occupy an important place among the new educational trends of ICT. It consists in the creation of computer systems that, in an automatic and autonomous way, learn through the identification of patterns between big data and other types of data.

For this purpose, algorithms are used that predict future behaviors; we are talking about adaptive learning. The world of education will benefit from the speed of data transfer due to better connections.

From 2020 and for the years to come, there will be a lot of talk about these new educational trends in ICT. It is important to be up to date in order to know and adapt to everything that is about to happen. Welcome to the future!

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