How To Cure The Lack Of Love

How to cure lack of love

The soul hurts her, it really hurts her. He knows that, no matter how many people he has known in the land of love, what he felt for that person, he had never felt it before and perhaps he will never try it again.

Now he is gone, he says that he has found a new love that makes his head spin, that now he knows it well, now she is nothing more than a friend, a sister, but nothing more … While he explains it to her, she begins to die inside … the lack of love.

She keeps wondering when that pain will pass … yet she cries silently every night when no one sees her. During the day she does a thousand things and tries to deceive herself by convincing herself that she has already forgotten him, but when night comes, she feels alone and empty again and makes that sad song that seems to have been written resound in her ears for the umpteenth time. especially for her.

Have patience, because lack of love has a cure

As this beautiful song says, it is useless to try to forget. It is not at all easy to make all memories and feelings disappear.

As we try, as much as we try to get involved by other loves, to do a thousand different things during the day, to move away from the places where we were together and we remember with nostalgia and with tears in his eyes … Forgetting is difficult when the love invades your soul.

When the night comes and we find ourselves alone with ourselves, when we have finished work and all the daily tasks have been carried out, that love returns and we feel it intensely.

However, lack of love is like love, it is an experience that everyone must live in life and even for this alone we must be happy, because we were lucky enough to know love, to understand what it is.

As much as it can hurt, even lack of love has a positive side, it is the fruit of those intense, wonderful and incredible feelings that we lived one day and this cannot be taken away from anything or anyone.

sad and lonely woman

How is disaffection treated?

  • Talk to someone and surround yourself with loved ones. The people who love us and who stand by us in the worst moments are able to dispel that sadness by talking, laughing with us and helping us to relativize things. Don’t lock yourself in your thoughts.
  • Learn that there is only one certainty in this life: death. Remember that while you were together, you were happy. Life is unpredictable and we have to get used to this idea. As the famous Spanish poet Antonio Machado said, “everything passes and everything remains, but ours is to pass”.
  • Enjoy your independence. Society imposes on us the idea that happiness is only next to another person, but it doesn’t have to be that way. The important thing is to be happy and can be alone or accompanied. Seek your happiness.
  • Take your time. Cry, scream … but then move on. You are whole people and you don’t need a “better half”.
  • Don’t fixate on that person. The wounds need to be healed and not fixated on the person who awakens all those feelings. Have fun, meet new people, “flirt” with them … The sea is full of fish.
  • Don’t plan for revenge. What is this sad and horrible feeling for? It will only harm you. Even if he ended the relationship the wrong way, forgive that person inside of you and let him go with no hard feelings, no revenge.

Remember that love and lack of love are part of life and that even the worst moments pass. However gray the sky may be, the sun will always shine again. Learn from that relationship and keep growing.

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