Heal The Body And Heal The Soul

Heal the body and you will heal the soul

Body and soul are one; if one hurts you, the other will hurt you too, and vice versa. If you are tired and bored, you will also lack motivation, the cheerfulness will disappear and you will slowly fade away. The body affects the mood and the mood on the body.

Life is full of situations and people that hurt us, both physically and mentally, but if we are unable to heal, the pain will persist and prevent us from living a full and rewarding life. Learn to heal your body and soul.

The body is nothing more than the mere projection of the mind and the mind is only a petty reflection of the heart.

-Ramana Maharshi-


Sometimes life hurts us in a thousand ways, but the passage of time caresses our wounds until they close; Well, small scars may remain, but it is our job to keep an eye on them so that the pain does not reappear. Of the many actions that can be done to heal the body and mind, we suggest a few.

Create your own reality

Quantum physics starts from the idea that a person’s perception can modify the reality to which he is subject, and aims to demonstrate that the universe is made up of energy and vibrations, and that this energy is influenced by the mind in the form of thoughts.

When a person focuses his attention on a thing, that thing is created through the activation of thoughts in the mind; but when that person stops focusing on himself, the energy “unravels” the object, which returns to being energy with potential to transform into another thing. Ultimately, quantum physics states that something begins to exist only if we recognize that it exists.

The law of attraction is the basis that allows a person to create his own personal reality. Most people create their reality unconsciously, as opposed to conscious creators who strive to change their reality creatively.

Experience the placebo effect

The placebo effect is not a suggestion, it does not consist in thinking that it will be cured; it is rather a healing attitude that is based on the belief that one is being cured, which leads to getting rid of analgesics and some negative neuronal patterns, decreasing blood pressure and activating the immune system.

“The secret to good health is to get the body to rest, and the mind to rest.”

-Vincent Voiture-


The definition of meditation is somewhat complicated, since if for some it is an abstract concept with religious connotations, for others it represents an intellectual method to calm one’s inner self, in order to reach a state of creativity and emotional positivity. Each seeks different goals in meditation:

  • Mental response.
  • Peace of mind to free it from everyday worries.
  • Creativity.
  • Clearing the mind in order to make it more creative.
  • Health.
  • Stimulation of the immune system and self-healing mechanisms.
  • Relaxation.
  • Free from stress and anxiety to remain in a state of tranquility.

Investigate your passions and your pleasures

During our life, we have learned to replace what we are passionate about with the things we feel obligated to do, deciding to leave aside our passions and our pleasures due to the limited time available, thus depriving the soul of the its nourishment.

We should find a moment each day to dedicate to what we love to do and that gives us pleasure. You can start by making a list of five things that you are passionate about, that you really enjoy doing and that give you joy: going to the cinema, riding a bike, taking pictures, writing, reading, etc.

Dedicating a moment a day to an activity that gives you pleasure will serve to satisfy and enrich your soul, finally giving it priority.

Explore your emotions

It often happens that we repress what we feel by burying it in the deepest place of our being, preventing it from going back up. Explore your mind and be aware of the emotions you are hiding out of fear, shame or any other reason.

Once you have identified them, let them out: if you feel like crying, cry, if you need to talk to someone, look for someone who can listen to you. The important thing is that you get rid of that emotion, that feeling that does not allow you to continue. Learn not to be silent, to say what you think, not to repress what you feel. Be yourself, don’t hide, open up to your inner beauty and take care of your soul.

“The mind is like a parachute. Only works if opened”.

-Albert Einstein-

Move your body

Exercising regularly has proven to be a very effective way to prevent disease and stay healthy. Playing sports contributes to the general well-being of the body, it helps to improve self-esteem, optimism, agility of the mind … All physical activities must be practiced progressively, according to one’s abilities.

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