Don’t Let Your Wounds Turn You Into What You Are Not

Don't let your wounds turn you into what you are not

It is always important to know when a stage in life ends. If you insist on locking yourself in it more than necessary, you lose the joy and sense of the rest. It is necessary to know how to turn the page, it is necessary to know how to close certain doors, it is necessary to know how to conclude certain chapters.

The important thing is to know how to close the circle and let certain moments in life come to an end.

We cannot stay in the present with nostalgia for the past. Nor by constantly asking ourselves why. What happened, happened. It must be dissolved, it must be freed. We cannot remain children forever, nor late adolescents, nor employees of non-existent companies, nor keep ties with those who do not wish to have ties with us.

The facts pass and you have to let them go. 

Paulo Coelho

Even if it happens that you have to rummage through the past and apply its teachings, it is easy to lose your emotional identity due to those wounds that have not yet closed.

This causes the wound to become infected and spread more and more, diminishing our ability to be ourselves and to value our emotions.

It is likely that we are so used to living with latent pain, which we would not want to listen to, that perhaps our brain has disconnected its ability to hear in order to avoid suffering.

However, within us we know that this is what is preventing us from walking and enjoying what we have, depriving us of the opportunity to grasp strongly in the present.

Even if they say that the past is an old friend who must be greeted from afar with a nod, the truth is that it must be welcomed and healed to avoid “adapting” to living with it.


Clean up our past and disinfect our wounds

What once made us happy never goes away. Everything we deeply love becomes part of us.

Bernardo Stamateas

The million dollar question is: What infects the wounds of our soul? Sacrifice, anger, fear of abandonment, resentment, loneliness, betrayals, lack of support, misunderstandings, sadness, deceptions, craving, guilt infect them.

In fact, it is easy for most of the items on this list to be locked up in the same wound. So what can be done to heal definitively?

  • Search within yourself and locate your wounds. Where is it that hurts you? Don’t you feel comfortable talking about something or someone? Is something making you sad or angry? How long? What do you think could be the causes?
  • Talk to others about it. It may not seem easy, but in addition to hurting us, our wounds tend to limit us. No matter how long you have kept it hidden, get rid of someone you trust. Throwing out everything inside is a wonderful natural remedy for pain.
  • Clean your wounds and let them burn, it will mean they are healing. The wounds of our emotional past teem with emotions, feelings and thoughts that by rotting away hurt us. For this we must try to remove them from the depths of ourselves, otherwise they will live to our detriment by inflaming the affected areas until they reach unsuspected limits.

Clean your wounds by crying, expel your pain. Do anything, but condemn the suffering and shut it out so that it does not re-enter. It will be then that you will begin to recover your identity. 


Let him go!

If it doesn’t bring happiness to your life, LET IT GO

If it doesn’t light the way and it doesn’t help you build it, LET IT GO

If it stays, but it doesn’t grow, LET IT GO

If it gives you confidence and it prevents you from striving to improve, LET IT GO

If he doesn’t recognize the value of your talent, LET IT GO

If it doesn’t caress your being, LET IT GO

If it doesn’t push you to take flight, LET IT GO

If he says, but doesn’t, LET HIM GO

If there is no place in your life for him / her, LET IT GO

If he tries to change you, LET HIM GO

If “I” dictates you, LET IT GO

If there are more fights than you encounter, LET HIM GO

If it just doesn’t improve your life, LET IT GO

LET GO … falling will be much less painful than being gripped by something that HAS BEEN BUT IS NO LONGER

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