Don’t Fear Fear, Transform It

Don't fear fear, transform it

Being afraid is normal. It is due to the fact that the brain of all living beings, when it is in danger, reacts instantly to defend itself. In other words, when it is in danger, a protection system is automatically activated which has the task of repelling attacks or situations that may represent an imbalance.

In humans, the way we deal with fear is the result of the confluence of instinctive mechanisms and the learning we have accumulated in different situations. We can therefore say that, when we have to face a threat, our instinct of conservation is activated first, and then also a mental process that we have learned and that pushes us to act in one way or another.

girl hugging a bear

Despite this, the way to react when faced with fear varies from person to person. There are those who react aggressively, while others remain paralyzed and with a blank mind, trying to identify (or not) a possible solution to face the danger they face.

Human beings have a complex mind and are not always afraid when faced with real threats. Sometimes, these are simply fantasies that arise from some traumatic experiences and that remain etched in the mind. These are what give rise to the fear of something that does not exist, but which can still be invasive and even paralyzing on a social level.

Fear is a force that can be transformed

There is a universal truth: fear is overcome by facing it. It is very easy to say and very difficult to put into practice, but it is true. In fact, fear is a very powerful emotion, so being able to transform it into an inner force that helps us move forward is useful for becoming safer and freer people.

When you face a situation that causes you tension and have a fixed goal of overcoming it, it can be useful to ask yourself a few questions : why do you feel that way ?; what memories or feelings did you have at that moment ?; how did you react or in what part of your body is that worry hidden?

The answers to these questions will allow you to limit fear and materialize it, so that you are aware of it and to prevent a similar situation from happening again. So, the first thing to do is understand why a concern arises. In this way, you will be able to identify the causes and understand their function in the situation you are experiencing.

What to do in the face of fear?

girl among the flowers

In order to identify the nature of the fear you feel, you need to:

  • Take a break and be in a quiet environment where you can reflect on the fears you feel. Just try to breathe deeply and calm down, because this way your thoughts will flow better.
  • First of all, do not feel guilty for feeling fear and remember that it is a normal reaction and that you can overcome it little by little.
  • Trust yourself. Remember that in that fear there is also a lesson to be learned about yourself and that you can turn it into an excellent teaching.

You don’t have to see fear as an enemy, because it adapts to any situation. In reality, great foolishness is committed out of fear, but great deeds are also carried out. Those who are afraid of failure sometimes try a little harder. Those who are afraid of losing their freedom are ready to take terrible risks in order to keep it.

This is by no means an easy process. It is achieved as all the great goals of life are achieved: with perseverance, patience and taking one small step at a time. The only determining element, when dealing with fear, is that there is an authentic decision to want to overcome it. There is no other way to do this than by designing a strategy that you are comfortable with to look fear in the eye.

Learning from fear

Fighting fear without understanding where it comes from and in an irrational way, will certainly allow you to manage it immediately and lightly, but you will not be able to fight it at its root, which means that it can resurface at any moment. We must reflect on fear, it is useless to be carried away by reckless instincts without being aware of what you are doing.

man between the sheets

As we often hear, ” fear is an action and courage is a reaction “. Remember this when you feel petrified, immobile or unwilling to carry out your plans. Conversely, however, you may regret having listened to fear and not your true dreams and desires.

Do not forget that fear manifests itself both physically and mentally. From a physical point of view, it can be defeated thanks to effective management of breathing in times of crisis. It is a strategy to feel your body better and to identify the changes that are happening in the body, in order to be able to control them later.

However, all of this is not enough. You have to talk about the fear and share your feelings with others, write them down or just look in the mirror and talk to yourself about what is happening. These are the tools suitable for finding the necessary balance, because fear cannot be overcome by hiding from it. For this reason, do not fear it, but transform it.

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