Do You Know What The Effect Of The Sea Is On The Brain?

Do you know what the effect of the sea is on the brain?

Can you imagine what influence the sea has on the brain? That immense blue expanse that covers almost 80% of our planet is an extraordinary, cruel, romantic and profound place. A giant at times violent and at other times peaceful and a source of inspiration.

Great writers have always admired and respected him, and from the pen of the poet Charles Baudelaire came words like: “Free man, you will always cherish the sea!” . This place, so special for the human being, is, in fact, much more than a simple basin of salt water.

What is the effect of the sea on the brain?

Several neuroscientists have studied the effect of the sea on our brains. From the articles and experiments of experts, such as M. Rudd, RA Baron or MC Diaomond, we know that some discoveries have been made about the effects that the immensity of the blue of the ocean can have on our mind. Can you guess what it might cause in us?

The first thing certain is that the effects of the sea on our psyche are, in general, very positive. The romantic feelings and the desire for freedom that inspires us are not to be underestimated, indeed they have been supported and justified by science.

The sea causes admiration in the human being

Several psychologists from the universities of Minnesota and Stanford have conducted a study on the effects of the sea on the human brain. One of the conclusions they have come to is that the sense of immensity it projects causes a state of deep admiration and awe in our psyche.

In reality, this process produces a feeling of well-being in us. This is a curious fact, given that such an immense thing could kill us only with the force of a wave. But the expansive experience it produces in us stimulates positive changes in our mental patterns, thanks to the way our mind tries to process the landscape.

For this reason, the sea radically changes our mental patterns and our ability to make decisions and, for example, helps to make us more generous. As if that were not enough, our perception of time also varies, which seems to flow much more slowly or even to have stopped.

The sea is a stimulus for creativity

In general, while we are working, talking or caring for a baby, our brain switches to ‘engaged’ mode. However, the sea has the ability to radically change this state and relax our mental processes.

Once we feel more relaxed, the neuronal network is activated by default. This means that in this state of total tranquility given to us by the immensity of the sea, the brain is able to process the brightest, most creative, clear and original ideas.

In reality, it is a relatively easy process to understand. When we enter relaxation mode, we leave our worries aside. At that moment, the prefrontal area of ​​the brain stops controlling it and this is how creativity and imagination are able to flow more freely, as if it were magic. In this way, our views become more original, less critical and much more open.

The sea induces meditation

The positive effects of the sea on our mind are many. Meditation is an ancestral technique that has been widely shown to have profound benefits on the human brain. The meditative state enhances the stimulation of brain waves, which can even change.

In this case it is the waves of the sea that are in charge of inducing a state of mindfulness. The sound of the sea and its visual effect are able to make sure that the alpha waves of the brain, linked to effort, but also to relaxation and stillness, make everything around us disappear.

As we have already said, in fact, the sea increases creativity in the brain. Curiously, this ability is also linked to alpha brain waves, which produce a state of mental clarity. For all these reasons, the sea has the power to make everything around us disappear: in this way, only we remain, suspended in a soap bubble in which our whole being suddenly seems to acquire a new meaning.

We hope you enjoyed learning more about the influence of the sea on our brains. Now, if you have the way, you just have to enjoy it, in its purest state. When you have the opportunity to admire that blue expanse, do not miss it: you will do yourself a great favor and, in particular, you will do it to your mind.

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