Cats And The Ten Commandments Of Happiness

Cats and the Ten Commandments of Happiness

We can learn a lot from animals, but we don’t always have the time to stop and watch them, pay attention to them or just don’t have one in the house. Every day the news reports sensational news: dolphins saving fishermen, baby seals defending a group of ducks from hunters, dogs sensing the danger and saving the lives of their masters …

Sometimes, we underestimate the simple and essential values ​​of nature, focusing mainly on the worries and complications of each day without setting a list of priorities.

What is really important to you? Can you establish rules for finding happiness every day? Those who know the feline world are undoubtedly aware of the placid existence of these wonderful animals. They follow an exceptional philosophy that is worth keeping in mind. Do you want to meet her?

1. Be patient

Don’t rush to reach your goals. It is right to have them clearly and defined, always keep them present and follow a program. However, be patient, be careful. You have to be an excellent observer to identify the best roads and the best options. The most shrewd hunter is distinguished by his discreet prudence and his sharp patience.

2. Keep your curiosity alive

It doesn’t matter if you are 5 or 100 years old. It doesn’t matter if you are busy or busy. Curiosity is the engine that moves the most agile minds and you have to do everything to keep the interest in what surrounds you alive. The world is full of stimuli that are worth following not only to become wiser, but also to get to know each other better and make everyday life, the presene, more interesting.

3. Be persistent

It’s not okay to just try once and then give up. Success requires perseverance, patience and effort. If you want to achieve something, look for all options, all possible avenues. Keep the desire alive in your heart and the determination in your head. The small openings will become doors if you are committed to finding new releases.

4. Be elegant

Look in the mirror and ask yourself if you are okay with yourself. We are not just talking about the physical aspect. Elegance is an attitude, not an image. Feeling good about yourself is a process that begins in your inner self, in your way of being, in your goals and desires.

5. Love yourself

Often a little bit of healthy selfishness doesn’t hurt. Value yourself and love yourself for who you are and what you have achieved in life. Be proud of yourself, knowing that you can do everything others do or more, which is to become special and stand out.

6. Defend your loved ones

You don’t have to pull out your claws, but sometimes you need to set limits to defend what is yours and your loved ones.

7. Always look for the brightest corner

The sun not only gives comfort, but also provides that warmth needed to synthesize vitamins and feel better. Look for the light every day in times of darkness, it’s a good way to always see the bright side of things.

8. Learn to relax

Cats have an excellent mechanism for relaxing and relaxing their little ones: purring. These instinctive vibrations are similar to the resonance chamber of a musical instrument, they follow perfect frequencies to create an atmosphere of relaxation that also involves the little ones. You too can find a way to find some relaxation, sometimes the solution to your problems is just a simple rest, a good sleep.

9. Accept the challenges

There isn’t a long enough distance or a high enough wall that you can’t get over. The limits are in your mind, no matter how small you are, if you set yourself a goal with enough energy and hope, you can achieve anything.

10. Adopt

If you are a cat, adopt a human being. If you are human, adopt a cat. The combination of the two species is simply beautiful and you will never stop learning from each other.

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