Back To The Routine After Christmas

Getting back to the routine after Christmas can be painful, but we don’t have to be conditioned.
Get back to the routine after the Christmas holidays

December is a truly beautiful time of year. It’s all a party of lights, gifts and family reunions that never seem to end. We live intimate and exciting moments, but like everything beautiful, sooner or later it has to end. Getting back to the routine after Christmas can be painful, but we don’t have to be conditioned.

Just thinking that we have to get back to work gives us chills. After two weeks of celebration and fun, we need to open our eyes and get back to the real world. January is the hardest month of the year, but it can also be full of new opportunities to discover.

It is the end of one year, but also the beginning of another. Who knows what adventures await us!  We can experience unforgettable moments that the previous year we could not have imagined. It seems difficult to think about it when you are not feeling fit, but it can be useful for facing a not too positive period.

The first thing we need to do is remember some tricks to get back to the routine after Christmas. In this way we will soon notice that a renewed energy invades our being and fills us with a healthy and motivating optimism.

Woman at the computer tired

5 tricks to get back to the routine after Christmas

Make a list of good intentions

The lists  of good intentions is a good way to get motivated.  List all the things you want to achieve in this new year and go out of your way to get them. Keep in mind, though, that it’s not worth throwing in the towel at the first problem.

Sometimes you will have to make sacrifices and you won’t see results, but that doesn’t mean you won’t make it. Be patient and persistent and you will get everything you set out to do.

Learn to take care of yourself

With the new year you have to start thinking about health. This does not mean being obsessed with food or exercise, but considering them challenges to be faced calmly. Opt for healthy recipes, practice some physical activity and practice breathing exercises.

Gradually you will begin to feel better and more optimistic, which will be reflected on the outside. If you have to go to a specialist for advice, do not hesitate to do so. Doctors, psychologists and nutritionists can present customized guidelines for each situation.

Woman doing sports

Establish a sleep routine

Getting back to routine after Christmas can affect our sleep schedules. Being on vacation leads us to change the time we go to sleep.

Try not to make the change too abrupt. For the last few days before returning to your routine, try to go to bed an hour or two earlier, even if you won’t be able to sleep. Your body needs to get used to its usual time again and it  may take you a little longer to fall asleep at first.

Train your mind

You have to keep your mind active.  Going back to the routine after Christmas also means retuning the brain. If you haven’t exercised it for a long time, it will suffer. Get used to always keeping him agile and awake.

You can take advantage of the new year to sign up for a language course, consult a catalog of books on the subject of your interest or even do cognitive stimulation exercises. It is never too early to start training your mind.

Observe life from another perspective

Are you feeling sad and dejected with the arrival of January? Don’t worry, it happens to 90% of the people around you. It is true that we have lived through an intense and beautiful period, but soon we will live other equally exciting ones. Don’t focus on the negatives, but on the positives.

Happy woman with a sunflower

Try to be outdoors at least an hour a day. This habit will improve your mood and make you forget about problems for a while. Don’t think too much about the past, it’s already gone; but don’t get too fixated on the future either, because it hasn’t arrived yet. Live in the present and appreciate all the beautiful things you experience every day, which may be more than you imagine.

It is normal to feel sadness or apathy during this particular time of year. But the only way to deal with these emotions is to fight them. Don’t let the return to routine get you down. Seek refuge in things that make you happy during your free time, turn off your cell phone and have fun with family or friends.

Being positive, playing sports and maintaining healthy habits helps to cope with these moments. It will take a couple of weeks and your life will return to the way it was before, but for this to happen you have to put in a little effort.

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