A Whole Heart Does The Right Thing Without Waiting For Someone To Look At It

A whole heart does the right thing without waiting for someone to look at it

A whole heart does the right thing even if no one is looking. He does not need an audience or praise for his good deeds, integrity is first of all a special value, a need to live in harmony with one’s conscience.

There are those who say that integrity is a dying feature because it is hardly seen today. Righteousness of character and an impeccable, noble, good soul are now rare aspects in work and in institutions. Instead of worrying about the ideals of others or looking for inspiration, it is important to show ourselves whole with ourselves.

Confucius, a famous Chinese philosopher, defined a person of integrity as a “superior being”, someone with great strength of spirit so as to put his ideas into practice and then preach to others what he accomplishes.

This image suggests more than an “attachment” to a sense of universal justice, there is a necessary connection with oneself, with the courage to be consistent with what one feels and does. We invite you to reflect on this point .


Integral behavior: an obligation, but also a personal right

It is enlightening that in Latin ínteger means “whole” and that from this image derives the concept of an identity that has not been damaged or broken, which has never lost its wholeness. Aristotle himself, for example, defined integral behavior as a quality, as an inner breath directly linked to our will to do the right thing, without the need for anyone to see it.

Until now, we have seen that in all of these definitions of integrity there is a clear personal component. Now, we are sure that you too have felt in life that someone was damaging your integrity to the point of saying or doing things that you would never have said or done. It is a very serious aspect and also of transcendence that we can understand thanks to some examples:

  • Our upbringing or the bond we establish with our family on more than one occasion can lead us to violate our rights if we are forced to do things we don’t want to do, in which we don’t believe.
  • The same happens at the couple level. Factors such as manipulation or emotional blackmail are shrubs with thorns that we often trip over, thus losing some of our integrity. Until we finally react.
  • The dynamics sometimes created in the workplace are a clear example of this violation of the integrity of the workers themselves. Doing things that we do not want or that we do not consider legitimate, feeling ourselves exploded for not being able to react for fear of losing our job are very common aspects.

We all have the obligation and also the right to be whole. Because self-esteem is ultimately nothing more than a correspondence between actions and feelings, between desires and actions. If other people break this subtle balance, they could hurt us. So let’s not forget that a whole heart needs a great deal of courage.

Learn to live with integrity

They often remind us that it is important in life to speak honestly, think honestly, and act with integrity. But who determines what is whole and what is not? The answer is simple: our conscience.

Consciousness is not the mere reflection of a body of laws of a particular society. Nobody internalizes the list of human rights drawn up by the UN. In fact, we all have an inner compass that tells us what is good and what is bad based on a combination of several factors : education, experience, our personality, intuition and our value system. Those to whom we always have to answer.


Since we all know that a healthy heart is linked to good self-esteem, here are some dimensions to take into consideration to defend this exceptional quality:

  • Act every day so that when you go to bed at night, you will have nothing to blame yourself for what you have said, done or stopped doing. Be consistent with every step you take and every action you demonstrate.
  • The fact that there are people around you who lack ethics and integrity should not discourage you, much less lead you to imitate them. Be the light amidst the mud of sterile hearts. Be your example, your voice in stillness.
  • Defend your integrity as you would your life. Set limits, build walls in front of those who want to push you to do or say things you don’t believe in. Never stop recognizing yourself in front of the mirror in which you look at yourself.

Be the best example for your children, because integrity is not learned in books. Integrity must be observed, felt… and first of all, it must be defended.

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