Every Wound Is A Victory

Every wound is a victory

In the course of our life, we must go through a series of inevitable stages, which make us mature, grow and transform into the people we want to be.

Each stage is a lesson. But what happens when we get stuck in one of these? That we do not advance in our life, that we remain static and lost, without knowing where to go and what to do. Why can’t we get over it? What’s happening to us?

It is always essential to know when a stage in life ends. Closing cycles, closing doors or closing chapters … Give them the name you want, the important thing is to be able to close them, let go of moments in life that are over. “

(Paulo Coelho)

In life, we go through happy moments, but also other sad and traumatic moments that cause us wounds and scars. We must embrace those moments to move forward and overcome the stage in which we find ourselves. It’s time to get off the train.

I get off at the next stop

To overcome the various stages that make up the life of each of us, we need to be sure of ourselves. For this purpose, it is good to understand what stages we are talking about.

  • Childhood is the first stage, which allows us to observe and explore the world in which we live.
  • Adolescence is the second stage, in which we experience emotions in a very intense way.
  • Youth and adulthood are the third stage, which places us in a world of responsibility and decisions.
  • Old age is the last of the stages; it is made up of different memories and stories.

These are the 4 important steps we all have to go through. Curiously, the transition from childhood to adolescence is overcome by all; when it comes to adulthood, however, everything gets complicated.

There are many people who decide to stay in adolescence and, in this way, escape the responsibilities and decisions that afflict the world of adults.

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Not only that: how many people want to stay in adulthood, refusing to enter old age?

We can decide to stay still in one stage, but this is not the natural flow of life, so making such a choice will have consequences.

“Live intensely every stage of your life so as not to suffer for what could have happened. Because the past is past. “

(Ivelisse Guerrero)

Let’s take a simple example: do you know why there is a terrible midlife crisis? Why do many people, in their 40s, behave as if they were teenagers? For fear of the future. The inexorable passage of time disturbs us and opens great wounds of frustration and helplessness that need to be healed.

Heal your wounds, turn them into victories

When we stagnate in a stage, be it for comfort, fear, trauma or any other reason, a wound begins to open in us. This is because we are not living life as we would like or as we should.

Have you ever felt the feeling of no longer having dreams? Have you ever believed that nothing made more sense? This perception can occur at any stage of our life and, in some cases, can lead to depression.

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However, it is good to be aware that positive and negative things happen at every stage. All these elements will prepare us to move on to the next wagon.

You have to accept that it is normal to feel hurt by the passage of time, by stress, by worries, by fear of taking on new responsibilities, etc. Find a solution to all of this!

Stopping at a stage will only feed that open wound. To heal it, you have to look beyond. Only in this way, you will be able to move forward, even if you will carry on your shoulders a backpack full of scars that symbolize learning.

If you pass a stage, make sure you have healed your wounds well, because they could open at any moment, becoming even more painful.

My injuries have taught me that stopping is not a solution: moving forward will make me understand things that I could not understand before.

Always go forward, even if you feel bad, even if the road is uphill. The victory lies in the acceptance and healing of that wound which, by now, has remained in the past and which today represents a teaching.

Don’t sit idle in a wagon while the train continues its journey. Time passes and you must learn to walk and progress, aspiring to reach the last wagon full of happiness.

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