Beautiful Phrases For Everyday Life

Beautiful phrases for everyday life

Sometimes we think that only special dates are worth living intensely. This is a big mistake. Every day, however common, can become extraordinary if we adopt this attitude. Well, we can remember some beautiful phrases that are helpful for this purpose.

Many of the women and men who have made history for their clarity of thought have managed to summarize the key aspects of their ideas in short sentences. Beautiful and wise phrases that are often like a flash in the dark. They light the way to a new perspective.

A good selection of beautiful phrases is very useful, even in the most unthinkable moments. This is why we  have chosen some that stand out for their depth and wisdom. It is worth keeping them close at hand, to let yourself be reached by their light, especially when you feel that everything is getting dark.

Man with the moon instead of his head

6 beautiful phrases to keep in mind every day

1. Pay attention to certainties

Bertrand Russell was an English philosopher, Nobel laureate in literature. One of the brightest minds of the twentieth century. A great thinker who, however, said, “I would never die for my beliefs, because I could be wrong.”

Even if Russell was never a radical pacifist, this sentence of his is a real call to humility and tolerance. It reminds us that anyone can fall into erroneous beliefs and, as a result, you should never be absolutely sure what you think.

2. The difficulties and their contribution

Difficulties are the daily bread in life. Many thinkers have devoted beautiful and profound sentences on the subject. CS Lewis, for example, states: “Difficulties often prepare a normal person for an extraordinary Destination.

This wonderful Irish writer reminds us that greatness is the daughter of difficulty. It is the problems that lead us to rise above ourselves, of what we have been. Quiet life, on the other hand, leads to conformity.

3. This we are, one of the most beautiful phrases

In this selection of beautiful phrases to apply to our daily life, Aristotle, the great Greek philosopher, could not be missing. With his relentless logic and interest in ethics, he bequeathed some of the most universal aphorisms to humanity. One of them reads: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit ”.

A great reflection. Our mind can be populated by the most varied wonders, but it is our actions that define who we are. Repeated acts unfold an inertia. And this inertia marks the nature and quality of our lives. Let us remember that living in an ordinary or elevated way is, above all, a cultivated habit.

Girl near the sun

4. The inner summer

Albert Camus has always been associated with existentialism and nihilism. However, the dimension of this thinker and writer is unclassifiable. The proof of this is one of the most beautiful phrases he left us: ” I finally discovered that in the middle of winter there was an invincible summer in me “.

A nice way to symbolize inner strength. The limit refers to those moments when it is possible to recognize that, despite everything, there is a life force that refuses to disappear. When there seems to be no reason to move forward, this mysterious impulse emerges that invites us to take a step forward, to continue choosing.

5. Forgive, the virtue of the strong

Mahatma Gandhi is the author of beautiful phrases, as well as very wise, which have penetrated all cultures. His message is deeply coherent and always invites to an inner evolution. One of his statements says: “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong ”.

Gandhi was the most important exponent of pacifism. His peaceful resistance was not just a political position, but a way of life. For this reason, his whole message is crossed by the idea of ​​forgiveness and understanding. Furthermore,  he showed the world another side of strength, which is well represented in this sentence.

Girl from behind looking at the horizon

6. The key to everything

Epictetus was a Greek philosopher who was forced to spend part of his life as a slave in Rome. Despite this, it is said that he had more respect among his contemporaries than Plato. Although he left no written text, many of his teachings were collected by others. Among them is this sentence: “The secret is to enjoy the company of people who bring us something, whose presence brings out the best in us”.

This is a simple statement that reminds you how important it is to surround yourself with the right people. Much of who we are, what we feel and think is influenced by those around us. Consequently, it is essential to choose well.

All these beautiful phrases have an application in the daily life of any person. They speak to us of human values ​​and invite us to live in a more evolved form. They are pure wisdom compressed into a nutshell.

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