Postponing Everything May Turn Out To Be Too Late

Postponing everything can turn out to be too late

There are many occasions in life in which it happens to postpone a deal that is pending for another moment. It can be an easy task, a small step that brings us closer to a goal or a decision to make. It happens to live by accumulating tasks, duties or desires.

So time passes, and that thing that one day we said we would do remains pending, without a precise date, and turns into an endless “I’ll think about it …”. Sometimes the difficulties that arise are not insurmountable, but there are cases in which the “later” is already too late.

I do it later

It is true that everyday life can be full of things to do, tasks that prevent us from keeping up, after all none of us are superheroes. Sometimes it is normal not to be able to bear the weight of everything, and it is always better to do a few things, but well, rather than many, but done poorly.


However, when we leave too many issues behind and they begin to accumulate, we can experience high levels of stress and discomfort in relation to the concept we have of ourselves. If you leave too many doors open and too many drawers to close, you get overwhelmed with anxiety.

Perhaps we are making the mistake of misinterpreting the amount of time and effort we believe we must put into getting things done. We are convinced that we will need a lot more time than we actually invest. Sometimes you waste more time thinking about doing something than actually doing it, keep that in mind.

The concept of too late is applicable only to things that are now final.

It is almost never late, but don’t keep postponing

All, or almost all, of the decisions we make go through the logical process of decision making. And of course in between is the influence of our emotions. It is true that when you think too much about one thing, you tend to go into detail on all possible conclusions, and they are almost always all negative.

And here we let the days go by, thinking and rethinking that sooner or later the moment will come when something will change and we will get up from the sofa. But of course that day never comes. If we were aware of the power we have in our hands, we could make change happen by starting with ourselves.

The time factor isn’t all that important either. There are things that are now past and that it is not possible to recover, but which can serve as a teaching, with the conviction that we all make mistakes. It’s never too late to change what’s left unsolved, just try.

Talking to someone we haven’t talked to for a long time, resolving ancient conflicts, resuming that hobby we used to do with passion or realizing the impossible dreams that we keep locked up in the drawer… All this is possible if only we get started. Come on, come on!

Sometimes we pause for so long to contemplate a door closing that we realize too late that another  has opened.

doves around a little girl's head

Repeated conduct becomes a habit

A habit is a custom or practice acquired as a result of the frequent repetition of an act. It is possible to acquire healthy and beneficial habits, as well as habits that do not bring us any good. The key lies in the initial moment and even more in persistence.

Habits arise because the brain is constantly looking for a way to save energy, which naturally leads it to convert almost any situation already experienced into a routine. The problem is that the brain is unable to distinguish between bad and good habits.

Here are some tips for getting a habit :

  • Try to develop a healthy habit and make a list of all the reasons you want to commit to it.
  • Mark the day on a calendar and leave it prominently at home.
  • Prepare everything you need to get started in advance.
  • Keep in mind that acquiring a habit takes time and persistence.
  • Introduce the changes little by little, don’t try to change everything at once.
  • Know that “forgetting” the new habit for once is not a failure, it is just a relapse.

“It is when the answer becomes a habit that you stop learning”

-John Seymour-

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