Soft And Hard Power, Two Forms Of Control

How can one country control another? Discover the two most used forms of control internationally.
Soft and hard power, two forms of control

Each relationship is based on the forms of power (soft and hard power) and takes them into account. When two people, groups or organizations come together, one will have more power than the other. This means that the weaker are more likely to end up following the line marked by the stronger group.

In other words, power becomes a form of control. But power doesn’t just happen between people, it also affects relations between countries.

Relations between countries, when studied as international relations, are based on the dynamics of power. The most powerful countries will use their power to make other countries accept their proposals. In particular, one of the definitions used in international relations of power conceives it as the ability to influence the behavior of others and obtain the desired results.

Two forms of control

It is often said that in order to gain power, one must be loved or feared. Either you have power because everyone accepts you and believes you deserve it or you have it because others are afraid of you. Obviously, they are two different ways to gain power and each will have different consequences.

When we transfer these two forms of control to international relations, we are talking about soft power and hard power. Before explaining each of these forms of control, it is necessary to understand that the main objective of countries is to increase or maintain their power: this is the main reason that will lead them to use one of these two forms of control.

Man manipulating puppets.

Hard power

Strong power is what characterizes the economic and military environments. This power consists in imposing one’s will through fear. That is, to subdue another country by making use of its military or economic superiority. A good example is nuclear weapons: countries like Iran and North Korea threaten to produce atomic bombs to gain power.

This type of power can be implemented through military power, which can lead to wars and alliances. Therefore, the threat of using force is used for the purpose of intimidating and restraining.

Economic power can also be used to wield hard power. In this context, money is used to bribe or to sanction.

Soft power

Soft power is the ability to influence the actions or interests of other countries using only cultural and ideological means. This form of control is based on the power that resides in culture and ideas. Therefore, this type of power will allow you to achieve your desired goals indirectly on many occasions.

This type of power is descriptive, meaning it provides information instead of giving orders to be carried out. So, soft power produces attraction, it is based on the fact that others want what you want. It is the model desired by many undemocratic countries where their citizens feel their freedoms are limited.

Trees form heads of people.

Which form of control is most effective?

The form of control to be exercised, soft or hard power, will depend on the possibilities available to the country and the goal it wants to achieve.

For example, during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, a reporter wrote: “While China tries to seduce and impress the world with the number of Olympic medals it has won, Russia wants to impress it by demonstrating its military superiority. China’s soft power versus Russia’s hard power: the preferences of the two countries reflect their level of self-confidence ”.

Ultimately, the best form of control is a combination of soft power and hard power, which has been defined as intelligent power. That is, a country should not give up its diplomatic or military power, but it should also set an example for others to follow.

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