Feelings Don’t Care About The Bank Account

Feelings don't care about the bank account

Imma Puig
, a graduate in clinical psychology and professor in the human resources department of the IESE, has been working for 15 years with the ego, jealousies and envy of the players of FĂștbol Club Barcelona. We are struck by a statement about her: feelings don’t care about the bank account.

Inma Puig is dedicated to taking care of people’s inner world. Average between the Iniesta, the Messi and the Suarez. At this moment, surrounded by people who earn in a year what the rest of mere mortals will not be able to earn in a lifetime, she has understood that the current account does not influence the management of



To see everything that happens in personal relationships, you need to understand people. And for this, like climbing a mountain, there are two routes: one long and easy, and the other short and difficult. To jealousy, envy,

anger, sadness

he doesn’t care about the bank account , he cares about personal relationships, emotional control and learning.

Sad woman with her head on the table

You can’t always be happy, healthy and rich

We live in a society where there are perhaps too many people to whom everything is always “great”. We want to convey an image that escapes all emotional logic, since these vicissitudes (money, beauty, health and love) rarely occur all together.  False happiness is the worst of pains. 

Many people go to therapy because, even if everything goes well, they feel sad: they highlight a void of which they are unable to identify the origin. Many of them also do not know that  sadness


part of life and has survived centuries of evolution because it fulfills a function of its own.  Conversely, there are also people who do not have a perfect life or a rich bank account and yet are far from feeling that unidentified sense of need.

In this sense, no one, no matter how much money they have, can always be happy and trouble-free . Many times, indeed, the opposite happens: the more money you have, the more problems arise. In this sense, perhaps the real success


in achieving what you want, and true happiness consists in wanting what you get.

The key to happiness

Feelings don’t care about the checking account

Make no mistake, having a good bank account helps. But the human being, if he has satisfied his basic needs, prefers to feel loved rather than paid.

Some people are on the crest of the wave , they are “the best” for many, they are successful , but they share several painful circumstances with people who are not doing so well, such as the loss of a loved one.  They too are sad, lonely, discouraged or even depressed.

Feelings do not care about the bank account and for this we only have to observe people who have great fortunes to see that money does not prevent the appearance of


and / or affective.  In fact, the percentage of famous people who end up suffering great discomfort, despite their wealth, is very high.

The idea that fame and money are accompanied by happiness is called into question when one thinks locally about the number of celebrities who have suffered from depression or other emotional disorders. In this sense, having a current account that many of us would dream of, however, does not ensure an emotional balance when it comes to emotions. In many cases it can also assume the opposite: a much more marked emotional instability. As we can see, then, feelings don’t care about the bank account.

Woman smiling

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