We Get Tired Of Giving A Lot And Receiving Little

We get tired of giving so much and receiving little

There are times when we feel that we are giving all the time, but we are not receiving anything.  This usually happens when we are sad, because we don’t get any kind of rewards and we end up thinking that the world is not worth our efforts.

If this happens to you, the best thing to do is to abandon your post and entrust to others those obligations that you had imposed on yourself, because it is an exchange that is toxic for you and, therefore, destroys your health. 


How to know if you give too much?

Things go wrong if you feel tired, overwhelmed by sadness, disillusionment and if you feel that you shouldn’t do what you are doing for each other. There are people who literally suck the energy out of us.

It is likely that they do not realize it, so it is always advisable to arm yourself with value and clarify this situation. It could also happen, on the contrary, that those who suck your energy are aware of it, but they don’t care.

The best thing to do, therefore, is to test this interest, stop trying to meet the needs of the other and see what happens. A selfish attitude is immediately noticeable, you just have to look in the right direction. 

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Does he love you enough to receive a minimum of what you are giving him?

It is not worth fighting against the wind and the tides for a person who does not lift a finger for you. There is no need to continually help a person who is not interested in learning and accomplishing. It is not good to give without receiving.

We cannot devote ourselves to others and forget about ourselves. The only gratitude we can live without is gratitude towards ourselves, which is the pillar of self-love and the basis of our personal growth.

Give to feel good

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When we help someone, we are giving them a part of us. This teaches us to appreciate ourselves, because the essential thing is to take care of this part of our life.

Obviously, we must not give anything or be grateful to someone who is taking advantage of us. This will make us feel empty, as well as being dangerous for our self-esteem and well-being.

On the other hand, they say that we are never grateful enough to those who have never abandoned us.  For this reason, giving beautiful words, good feelings, good deeds and good thoughts to those who have helped us in important and difficult moments is really important, because it will help us to remember the value of goodness and helping others.

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The power of reciprocity and gratitude

The truth is, we can be grateful for what others do for us. We can do it with a simple smile, with words or with actions. What is clear is that gratitude is always a way of giving or corresponding for something received.

Healthy reciprocity is that which is based on an exchange that responds to gratitude. To give a thank you or any other act of reward is to recognize that the person in front of us has done something that has made us happy.  

The recognition is an important pillar for our well-being and to our health.  The absence of this hurts us and makes us feel frustrated, leading us to create a spiral of complaints and criticisms that will only make us feel sad and disillusioned.

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