I Love The Moments Of Solitude When I Think Of Everything And Nothing

I love the moments of solitude when I think of everything and nothing

During the day we always need a few moments of solitude to find ourselves.  Our gaze remains enchanted in the horizon visible from the window and, then, the brain can disconnect from stress and external stimuli to allow itself to think about everything and nothing at the same time. Few things are so pleasant.

Frederick Law Olmsted was one of the most famous landscape architects in history. Among the urban parks designed by these are Central Park in New York.  Olmsted was a strong supporter of the need of every person to be able to come into contact every day with a “green space”  in which to disconnect from civilized life and enjoy a few moments to find themselves and their essence.

These moments of connection with oneself are certainly very beneficial for our mental health. Contact with nature, or a simple open window that allows us to go beyond our daily lives, turns into a stimulus for our brain and an island of peace for our emotions. Worth trying.

We invite you to reflect on this topic!

man bathes in mountain lake

When our mental and emotional batteries are low

We all need our own corner.  The teenager claims the need for privacy in his room by locking himself in as if it were a bunker. Children look for magical corners under the stairs, as if there they could open a door that leads them to another world. On the other hand, adults, as they grow up, conquer public spaces and somehow lose private ones.

Timetables to be respected, objectives to be achieved, responsibilities to manage and agendas that we never stop planning. We spend our days “connected” with the outside and we completely lose the link with our inner self. Little by little, and almost without realizing it, our emotional, mental and “spiritual” piles reach agonic levels.

Psychologist and neuroscientist David Strayer says that when this occurs, it is our prefrontal cortex (executive system) that suffers the most. When we say we have low batteries, we perfectly reflect our real state: a stressed brain shows in an electroencephalogram a clear alteration of theta waves,  which are closely related to our ability to concentrate, relax and also with memory.

hot air balloon flies over lavender plantations

The need to carve out a moment for ourselves every day

It would be worthwhile if, at least for an hour a day, we would become children again and look for a secret corner  to isolate ourselves from the world and, thus, allow us to dream, to let ourselves be carried away by everything and nothing at the same time, feeling free as then.

It must also be taken into account that a prolonged state of stress or anxiety forces our brain to segregate in the blood a chemical “cocktail” based on cortisol,  noradrenaline and norepinephrine. We therefore live in a state of constant alert and threat.It is essential to offer the brain calm and, above all, safety. We explain how to do it.

hand grabs plants

How to best connect with yourself

First of all, it is necessary to be very clear that, to find the inner balance that allows us to leave aside the stress and pressures of the surrounding environment, it is not enough to lock yourself in your room or sit in a park. Each of us must find his own “mental palace”,  that is to say a scenario or a personal state with which to feel oneself, to feel free.

  • Going out for a run or walking are therapeutic and liberating activities. Tensions are released and, in turn, a wonderful and evocative mental calm is achieved. We are alone with our thoughts as the body feels alive and strong.
  • Being alone does not mean escaping the world, but finding it again.  People around you may not understand why you want to spend a few moments alone every day. Not many explanations are needed, just one is enough. Because vital necessities are not justified, they are fulfilled and enjoyed.
  • You are in a refuge where there is no room for fear. During this time, draw an imaginary line that cannot be crossed by anxieties, fears or insecurities. Everything must be calm and, for this, you do not have to tilt your head, but only look for the horizon, which allows your gaze to get lost in the sunset and to cover itself with its serene colors.

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