Quotes By Isaac Asimov

Isaac Asimov was a writer who was able to combine the best of scientific thought with the postulates of humanism. His phrases are an invitation to fight against ignorance and violence.
Quotes by Isaac Asimov

Many quotes from Isaac Asimov aim to extol the value of science and denounce the effects of ignorance. This extraordinary writer of Russian origin, naturalized from the United States, was perhaps the most important scientific popularizer of the twentieth century. Hence his emphasis on the value of reason.

Asimov was also one of the greatest science fiction writers in the history of literature, proving that scientific thought does not exclude the imagination, but on the contrary is inspired by it. Therefore, several phrases of Isaac Asimov allude to the creative drive.

This writer first declared himself an agnostic and then an atheist, and some quotes from Isaac Asimov question religious beliefs.

This may be offensive to some, but Asimov’s intent was not to disrespect religions, but to denounce their lack of coherence. Let’s find out some of his most interesting statements.

5 beautiful quotes from Isaac Asimov

1. Sentence about morality

This quote from Isaac Asimov has sparked a lot of debate, because it establishes a contrast between the sense of morality and what is right. One might think that this is a contradiction, especially from a moralistic perspective.

But Asimov takes a deeply pragmatic position. The sense of morality is nothing more than a metaphysical reality. It belongs to the world of ideas. The right thing, on the other hand, inhabits the terrain of common sense for all, even if it contradicts some moral precepts.

Man walks in the fog.

2. Knowledge and wisdom

A beautiful statement that masterfully describes one of the realities we encounter today. Advances in science and technology advance at a rapid pace, but individual and social changes do not.

A clear example of this reality are wars. They are still a path on which many are betting, as a means of resolving contradictions.

War has now reached a very high technological level, but promoting it per se continues to obey a pattern of thinking that is not too far removed from that of the caveman.

3. Asimov’s Quotes on Violence

This quote from Isaac Asimov who made history: perhaps it is the best known statement of this thinker. No wonder: it condenses a great truth into a few words. It exposes the true face of violent behavior.

Asimov points out that violence belongs to the incompetent, because it is the most elementary and instinctive response to resolving conflicts. It appears only when no other human skills emerge, such as communication skills, empathy and creativity.

4. Life and the game of chess

In life, the concept of “end” is very relative. In fact, it does not exist as such. For Asimov, life does not end with death, because we are still present in our works and in the mind or heart of those who knew us.

Any end, therefore, does not correspond to an absolute end. Rather, it is a major shift in the line of continuity. This is human life: a succession of beginnings and endings, in which absolute zero is never reached.

Person playing chess.

5. Quotes from Asimov: science is a light that illuminates everything

So far, science is the only field capable of condensing two characteristics: it is universal and cumulative. Universal, because it is valid regardless of the culture in question. And cumulative, because the new knowledge is built on the basis of previously obtained results.

Neither religion, nor philosophy, much less popular beliefs have these characteristics. That’s why Isaac Asimov says that when science illuminates one place, it illuminates them all. Scientific truth is the closest to truth as such.


Isaac Asimov’s quotes are really witty and inspiring. It couldn’t be otherwise with such a versatile and curious thinker.

It can be said that it has made science a fascinating story, which shows us once again why it is and always will be the most important achievement of humanity.

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