I Can’t Live Without You

I can not live without you

This is an expression that we all know, in a thousand versions, in a thousand situations, because we have all been deeply in love at least once in our life. However, when we analyze situations without letting emotions take over, we can only blame ourselves for having given someone else other than us the responsibility to make us happy, to dispense his life to give happiness to ours. This is by no means a healthy way to live and love. When we are in love, we can be very selfish… and it must be said, even when we are not. This article stems from a reflection made following the separation of a person from his great love.

Things were not going well, the relationship was monotonous and conflictual, and when the separation arrived, it can be said that both felt even relieved … However, there always arises in one or both,  the toxic feeling of wanting to keep to all chaste each other to their side, because the soul cannot get used to anyone else. And they try, sad and vain effort, to give him the role of savior of his own life, totality of his own existence, closing all the doors to be able to move forward.

It is certainly very painful to lose someone you love because they leave you, because the relationship does not work and the only thing to do is to make a point, because it is impossible to be together, because they are dead, or for any other reason; but when this happens, we have to take courage and move on, we cannot in any way invest in a love that no longer exists, in exhausted feelings that no longer stimulate us … We have to breathe deeply and move on.

I can’t live without you … This extraordinary lie and illusory naivety. Weren’t you living before you met your partner? What is it like to be with someone? However much we may be united with someone we love, even if we have built dreams and realities, it is always someone other than us. In practice we can say that in life we ​​have no one but ourselves. Feelings change, people change, we move away, one day we have to leave or others have to leave, we realize and destroy our plans, we take a dip in the past and then we leave it, we change every day! And when this change involves love,  we must understand that just as it was born suddenly, one day it can change ..

He or she may want to move on, or we may want to. We choose someone to love from the moment we understand and understand us, we accept him and accept us as we are, we are happy and he is happy, but when all this no longer works, unless we want to be selfish, we can do nothing more. .

When we choose who to love, we choose him to live together, to share projects and dreams, we don’t choose him because he lives in our place, nor because he takes care of our happiness, but because he / she shares ours and we share his. When this is no longer possible, therefore, nothing can be done to change the situation. Of course you can continue to live without this person, even if at first it is difficult and painful, but you survive and one day we will abandon ourselves to love again. You continue to live  even if you don’t have someone by your side. 

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