Suffering In Silence: A Very Common Habit

Suffering in silence: a very common habit

Many of us do it, we hide in the depths of our private shell to suffer in silence, in solitude, without anyone noticing. We pretend to have a stoic resistance and pretend that nothing has happened, but battles are raging inside us without respite … Until it happens, until, at some point, we break up.

We are social beings but, despite this, most of us choose to suffer alone. We prefer to share the laughter, the happy moments and we cling to the daily routine with the people around us because in this way we manage to gain a certain sense of control. As if nothing was happening, as if nothing was devouring our emotional insides.

Both psychologists and psychiatrists know very well that trauma and silence almost always travel together. It is not easy to say aloud what hurts us and this is due to two specific reasons: we are afraid of being judged but, above all, we are afraid of showing our vulnerability . Because in this relentless world, strong personalities triumph, those who can face everything, those who do not complain and who demonstrate effectiveness, optimism and self-confidence.

Without a doubt, all of this triggers that bleak feeling that suggests that, in our society today, suffering continues to be a cause for shame. And this shows us, once again, why there are so many people who suffer from depression and who do not receive treatment, and why, today, the suicide rate among young people reaches alarming figures.

Today we propose that you reflect on this topic.

Reasons why you should NEVER suffer in silence

Not long ago a private letter from a woman was published on the digital platform of a famous newspaper stating that she no longer knows how to deal with her life. She had become a mother for the third time and could not get out of bed in the morning. Strange as it may seem, nearly 80% of the comments were purely derogatory, sometimes even bordering on cruelty.

Postpartum depression, or the very hard phase of the puerperium, is still a taboo subject today. If a woman suffers from this emotional disorder, she is immediately condemned, because what is expected of her is that she is always well, that she is happy and that she is ready. That is why many women live this experience in silence, in private and in a very hard way, fearing the criticisms of society.

The same happens to adolescents, boys and girls who experience bullying on their own skin, but who do it in silence, without asking for help, locked in the cage of solitude and in the intimacy of their bedrooms, the only place where they feel safe. It is not the right thing to do, it is necessary and almost obligatory to react before it is too late, before the personal will disappears completely and our reality becomes a mere meaningless scribble.

6 reasons to stop suffering in silence that speak for themselves

The first reason why we should stop suffering in silence is simple and obvious: suffering lasts longer. When we decide not to do anything and ask for help, the pain becomes even more intense. It is like a long, suffocating shadow that swallows everything it encounters.

-Symptoms become even more persistent, we stop being people and turn into a reflection of pain, with a much more intense and more complex symptomatology.

Negative thoughts become more intense. We are trapped in our own personal prison.

There comes a time when social contact makes us uncomfortable and we even end up rejecting it. Hugs, emotional caresses and kind words lose their original meaning. In our eyes, they now appear suspicious and we interpret them as threats.

Postponing the need to ask for help will make the treatment that follows much more complex.

We spread the stereotype ourselves. Doing nothing, refusing to ask for the help of a professional or to share with a trusted person what is happening to us increases the idea that trauma and suffering must be shrouded in silence.

Last but not least, we must always remember that suffering changes people. He sculpts every feature of us as he pleases until we become completely different individuals. We will therefore stop being true to ourselves and no one deserves such an end.

Establish contact to cure suffering

Suffering isolates us, but contact with other people and with ourselves is therapeutic and healing. When we share our weaknesses and pain with the right person or a trained professional, we get two benefits. The first is to stop self-sabotaging. Nobody chooses to suffer from postpartum depression. No one deserves to be bullied, nor a slave to a traumatic past or a lost childhood. Nobody even deserves to ignore themselves until they stop loving each other.

The second benefit we will get is the right emotional catharsis. There are many people who come to the psychologist wrapped in the armor of anger which, in reality, only serves to hide the fragile person who is inside. Day after day, we will foster reconciliation and the right relationship with the environment that surrounds us, so as to untie the chains of suffering.

It is a slow and laborious process, there are no doubts, but everyone deserves it: stop suffering in silence and be able to count on someone who understands us and helps us . Think about it, step out of the shell of that loneliness you have not chosen and allow yourself to be yourself again without fear.

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