What Does Eye Color Convey?

What does eye color convey?

“The eyes are the mirror of the soul” goes a very popular saying. It is really like this, in fact with a look you can transmit all kinds of feelings, which can serve as much as a support as to deny what we say in words.

Visual communication goes beyond words. Through the pupils, we can understand if we are sick, what our personality is like or if we are trustworthy. It is truly impressive how much information our eyes hide.

First, we will talk about the trust and relationship between this feeling and the eyes. That’s right, it can be expressed with the look. This, at least, is what a study by Charles University in Prague indicates. It seems that the color of our eyes has a major effect on other people. For example, those with brown eyes inspire greater confidence than those with blue eyes. However, this has to do not only with the tone of the eyes, but also with the physiognomy of the face.

One of the most curious explanations that have been put forward dates back to the dawn of humanity. People with blue eyes have a common ancestor, an individual with a strange genetic mutation who lived more than six thousand years ago. It seems that before, humans only had brown eyes. According to this theory, this would be the reason why today we believe that a person with blue eyes is not as trustworthy as one with brown eyes.

Another study, conducted in Australia, showed that people with light eyes are considered “less pleasant” and are usually more competitive than those with dark eyes. That is, the latter are associated with generosity, empathy, compassion or kindness. As before, this could be due to that gene that, a long time ago, led to the generation of a new eye shade.

What is the relationship between health and eye color? It can tell us if a person has a high risk of suffering from some serious skin condition. The University of Colorado, in the United States, conducted a study showing that individuals with light eyes are more likely to suffer from

vitiligo, a disorder that produces a progressive loss of skin pigmentation, leaving white or pink patches on different parts of the body.

Blue eyes are also highly related to skin cancer (melanoma). This is due to the fact that, in most cases, those with this eye color are also fair-skinned, making them much more sensitive to UV rays than brown-eyed Moors. Obviously there is a scientific explanation for this, which is that fair skin has fewer pigments to protect itself from the sun.

Although more and more people are using prescription glasses today, it is certain that people with light eyes are more likely to suffer from myopia or astigmatism. However, beware, there is not only bad news for those with clear eyes. This is because, according to various researchers, they possess the ability to see better in dark environments, for example at night.

As always, this claim has an extensive study behind it. If we think that people with blue eyes abound especially in northern European countries, we can also come to the conclusion that in those areas, during some months, the sun is almost absent and the days are very short.

The clear eyes, therefore, are used to see better in the dark and also to reflect the light of the stars and the moon. This might sound absurd, but the truth is that there is some logic behind it. If, on the other hand, we find people with brown eyes in the warmer areas and closer to the equator, then we can understand why they are more resistant to heat and the sun’s rays.

Without falling into ethnic or racist issues, a person’s physical characteristics can tell us a lot. Biology has a lot to do with this, so there isn’t much that can be done. So if you have clear eyes, protect yourself more from the sun. If you have brown eyes, do your best to be truly trustworthy.

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