One Sees Well Only With The Heart, The Essential Is Invisible To The Eye

One sees well only with the heart, the essential is invisible to the eye

“Go see the roses again. You will understand that yours is unique in the world ”.

“When you come back to say goodbye, I’ll give you a secret”.

The little prince went off to see the roses again.

“You are nothing like my rose, you are nothing yet,” he said.

“No one has tamed you and you have not tamed anyone. You are as my fox was. It was only a fox equal to a hundred thousand others. But I made him my friend and I made him unique in the world “.

And the roses were uncomfortable.

“You are beautiful, but you are empty,” he said again. “You cannot die for you. Certainly, any passerby would believe that my rose resembles you, but she, she alone, is more important than all of you, because she is the one I watered. Because I put her under the glass dome. Because she is the one I sheltered with the screen. Because on her I killed the caterpillars (save two or three for the butterflies). Because she’s the one I’ve heard complaining or bragging, or even keeping quiet sometimes. Because it’s my rose ”And he went back to the fox.

“Goodbye,” he said.

“Goodbye,” said the fox. “Here is my secret. It is very simple: one sees well only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye”.

“The essential is invisible to the eye”, repeated the little prince, to remember it.

“It is the time you have wasted for your rose that has made your rose so important.”

“It ‘s the time I have wasted for my rose …” whispered the little prince to remember.

Taking a cue from this wonderful fragment of “The Little Prince”, today we bring you some of the best teachings that Antoine de Saint Exupèry left us.

First, it reminds us of the importance of the little things, the ones we often don’t give much importance to. We must give the little things the importance they deserve, since one day we will realize that these are the ones that leave us the greatest teachings.

What for many is little, for others it is a lot, which is why we must appreciate simple things such as a good morning, a kiss or an affectionate gesture. If your partner, your family or yourself feel the need for those little pleasures, don’t ignore them, because they are the ones that make you special and add flavor to your memories.

Remember that, in the same way that the sea is made up of drops of water, a day is made up of seconds and a life is made up of an infinite number of experiences, love is shaped by the small details and you are the result of each one. of these little things that you experience and that make you unique.

Everyone tries to do big things, without realizing that life is made up of small things. Be honest with your needs to act right at all times, because your inner self speaks to you to tell you that you don’t need spectators to feel great. 

However, these few lines can also be interpreted in another way; today we want to emphasize that true beauty is the inner one, because it is the only one that does not wither, the only one that never fades and that can only be seen with the eyes of the soul.

Beauty is not measured by what we can appreciate simply by looking with our eyes, true beauty is an attitude. We live worried about appearances, not to seem outlandish and not to clash with the community and with the conventions that imprison us and that do not allow us to show our splendor to the world.

The truth is that there is no trick on this earth that can beautify an ugly heart. We find it very difficult to understand this, which is also indispensable for our self-esteem.

A person becomes beautiful inside when he loves life and gets rid of negative feelings. When he enlarges his inner world, he extends it, eliminates emotional comforts and defends his reasons and motivations.

Be sweet, don’t allow the pain to turn hard. Do not allow pain to make you hate, or bitterness to dominate you. Create your own beauty, the one that cannot be defined in words and give importance to the little things. 

One sees well only with the heart, the essential is invisible to the eye….

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