Behaviors That Hold Back In Unhappy Relationships

The behaviors that hold back in unhappy relationships

Relationships and love are not just occasions to give boxes of chocolates on Valentine’s Day or to give a lot of attention.

A fulfilling and healthy relationship can make you better, happier, and stronger people. To do this, there must be good communication, respect and healthy couple habits.

When there is no communication, respect and healthy habits, unhappy relationships arise. Even worse is staying in such relationships for convenience, through the following behaviors.

1) Don’t follow intuition

Has your inner voice been telling you for some time that your partner isn’t really what they seem?

It often happens that, at the beginning of the relationship, everything seems like roses and flowers. The phase of falling in love brings you closer to the other person: you tend to minimize his flaws and emphasize his qualities.

The problems start when they appear certain behaviors rather unhealthy, like the lies, the oddities and excessive jealousy.

If you find yourself in such a situation, stop meditating, otherwise you will enter one of those unhappy relationships that no one wants.

Analyze the situation and, if you realize that you are indeed witnessing unhealthy behaviors, think about the different options available.

Sometimes it is possible to seek outside help ; at other times, however, it is better to end the relationship to avoid more serious problems in the future.

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. “

(Albert Einstein)

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2) Anxiety due to life as a couple

Maybe your family is one of those who want to know when you are getting married, show their concern that you are single, regardless of your age or other goals you may have. This is a very common behavior that you have to learn to deal with instead of obsessing about it.

Many unhappy relationships arise from this worry. Both men and women can be tempted to start a relationship to avoid the nagging questions of family members.

After starting the romance, anxiety about the moment of marriage appears. Eventually you get married and, at some point, you find yourself in a relationship that you didn’t want.

The best thing you can do, therefore, is not to worry about external pressures: if you do not feel ready, simply explain it to those who ask you. Everyone has their own times and you have to learn to respect them.

3) Accontent / arsi

This behavior can be related to what we have just said, even if it is not always the case. These are situations where you maintain a relationship with your partner just to avoid questions and not because you really love them.

Maybe you love him / her, but you don’t love him / her and there are things about him / her that you just can’t stand. However, hold on, as it is easier than putting up with social pressure.

It may also happen that there is no external pressure, but your greatest hope in life is to get married, have children, and form a stable family.

For this reason, look for and find a person who wants more or less the same things. Most likely, she doesn’t meet all your expectations, but since she’s willing to give you what you want, stick with her.

As you can imagine, in both situations you will find yourself in an unhappy relationship. This may work at first, but too many problems will emerge after a few years.

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How to change these behaviors

We all have the gift of intuition, even if we don’t always pay attention to it. Listening to intuition is the best way to avoid unhappy relationships; you just need to listen to what your feelings tell you.

It is normal to try to avoid pain and suffering.

Therefore, you have two options with unhappy relationships: get out of it or self-convince yourself that everything is going well. For the sake of your physical and mental health, it is best to end unhappy relationships.

Sure, it won’t be easy, but at least you will take control of your life and be able to look for a relationship that makes you feel good for real.

Images courtesy of Nicoletta Ceccoli, Claudia Tremblay, Melissacopeland

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