Is It Possible To Live Without Fear?

Insecurities and fears dot the existence of many people, with psychological and behavioral effects. Let’s see if it is possible to live without fear
Is it possible to live without fear?

Many people would like to be able to live without fear. More than a wish, it is a real dream. We are talking about a fundamental emotion which, for thousands of years, has warned man of real dangers and kept him away from them. The problem is that fear is an emotion that likes to take control, sometimes not distinguishing what represents a real threat from what, on the contrary, is not.

It is precisely in such cases when this emotion becomes maladaptive. Just to give an example, it will be enough to mention one of the most universal fears: the fear of the unknown. It is so strong that it projects an insurmountable uncertainty which, on many occasions, literally blocks and prevents you from moving forward, making significant changes, getting out of uncomfortable situations. Emancipating (and freeing yourself) from all this will be possible only when the individual finds the way to be able to live without fear .

Many of the fears we often negotiate with may be unconscious. Like that of failing, of speaking in front of others, of receiving their rejection, of what they will say or think. Then there are the great fears, such as the fear of illness, death, the loss of a loved one. And again old age, loneliness … Many people are afraid of suffering, but even of shining with their own light.

Man who wants to live without fear

Identify the fears that block

We need to think about the things that scare us and try to become aware of how they express themselves through our body. Thoughts, the emotion they produce and the corporeality are a triad of which one is often not fully aware. They feed themselves, taking advantage of the positive and negative experiences.

Just as fear affects thoughts and the body, you can do the opposite, which is to reduce emotions by making changes in thought and body. Fear has its own breath. It is fast, short and frequent. Being able to calm this breathing will allow you to immediately lower the levels of unleashed emotions.

What lies behind the fear

Fears need to be addressed from the start, and a good strategy to start doing is to identify their root cause. A valuable exercise when you decide to face fear and eradicate its roots. For example, writing an emotional diary about your fears can help bring order to the chaos that fear can cause in the mind.

On many occasions, a specific fear alerts us to the need for additional tools or resources. If we do not allow ourselves to be paralyzed and analyze it in depth, we will be able to find a lot of valuable information about ourselves. And also some clues as to what decisions to make.

Some tips for living without fear

We must be convinced that we have the necessary resources to resolve situations that may arise in the future. We cannot have everything under control and accepting this limit can only do us good.

We start from the fact that we have already experienced (and overcome) difficult situations in the past: therefore day after day we will be more ready and able . If we think it would be nice to develop some other skills in this regard, and we have the opportunity to do so, let’s get down to business.

We stop being afraid of failure. Failures are only the pejorative synonym of “unfortunate attempt”. But, at the same time, they will provide us with the keys to future success.

Life is also about accumulating new and unknown experiences, so that we can face the uncertainty of other challenges.

Woman walks in a wheat field

Live without fear, learning from yourself and from others

If we just stay in the comfort zone, we will continue to be trapped in fear instead of trying to overcome it. In fact, we will limit a large part of our potential. If the fear of failure, of making fun of ourselves or of being sick persists, we will not be able to move even one step forward. We will simply be overwhelmed by fear and worry.

Of course, negative experiences will always remain etched in our brains, but that does not mean that they have been more numerous than positive ones. An unfair reminder of our past will help keep us chained to fear.

We suggest reading biographies and books about other people’s lives, they will help you discover that almost all successes are preceded by attempts that have not undergone the same positive outcome. Have faith in what you can learn from mistakes by giving yourself permission to make mistakes. This will set you free to live without fear.

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