Joaquin Phoenix’s Speech After The Oscar

Defense of equality, social rights, the environment, the awareness of veganism, the memory of his brother … The words of Joaquin Phoenix after winning the Oscar have moved millions of people.
Joaquin Phoenix's speech after the Oscar

He was holding the Oscar, but he didn’t seem to care much. His confident voice was far from the expressions and gestures of a man who at times touches shyness and at other times deeply feels the weight of emotions. Joaquin Phoenix’s speech lasted just over three minutes. However, it was enough to rock the world, make the news and move millions of people.

We don’t know if his message will last like other viral news, which is shared massively over a period of time and then relegated to oblivion. Curiously, at the Golden Globes he had already expressed that honesty, that invitation to change, to protect the environment, to the importance of being vegan to create a more sustainable and respectful world.

If in the past, when he had collected other awards, his words had not been taken into consideration, it seems that this time the ideas expressed in the gala evening of the 2020 Oscar have had greater resonance. His speech was different from that of the other winners. He did not appeal to politics and his words had the magic of emotion, the splendor of humility and the sensitivity of those who want to awaken consciences.

Joaquin Phoenix speaking after winning the Oscar

Joaquin Phoenix’s speech that we should all hear

It is always a pleasure for the stars of the world of cinema to commit themselves to defend a cause, as well as to make the news. In recent years, the women’s rights and equality movement has been present in almost all ceremonies. Progress is evident and this is good and fills us with hope.

In this context of social activism, we cannot fail to remember Marlon Brando and the day he rejected the Oscar awarded to him by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in Hollywood.

In his place he sent Sacheen Littlefeather (Little Feather) to report the plight of the Native Americans. That moment made history and not just from a media point of view. Many reporters also participated in the complaint that Brando was carrying out.

We don’t know if Joaquin Phoenix’s speech will have the same impact. And we don’t even know if after his words someone will begin to change their eating habits to create new scenarios that allow us to take care of our planet.

Be that as it may, he is sure that for some time we will share the phrases of his speech on social networks. Let’s see in detail what he said.

Gratitude and responsibility

Joaquin Phoenix’s speech begins with a gesture of sincere gratitude. He immediately says that he does not feel above any artist present in the room. In fact, all present share the same passion and it is this passion that, in some way, has allowed him to find his reason for being.

The role of Joker represents perhaps the culmination of an exceptional career. However, embodying the classic Batman antagonist has placed him on another level: one in which an artist touches the most absolute genius in the execution of the role assigned to him. The one where a cartoon character has never been so human. For Phoenix, success is an opportunity to give a voice to those who don’t.

We have created a self-centered world accustomed to exploiting others

“To fight against the belief […] of exploiting someone else with impunity,” says Phoenix. Yet, it still happens. Examples include gender discrimination, racism, attacks on the LGBT community and the exploitation of animals and the environment.

We are a selfish society that has forgotten to fight against injustice. Not only do we no longer see them and do not fight them, but we are unwittingly complicit in them every day.

Phoenix night of the oscars

Ecology, veganism and humanity

“We are increasingly becoming disconnected from nature. We plunder nature and its resources. We are disconnected from the natural world and are plundering its resources ”. His firm defense of the environment and veganism is well known. These same beliefs were also shared by his brother River Phoenix, also known for his activism and collaboration with the American animal rights organization PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animal).

Joaquin Phoenix’s speech appeals to sensitivity towards animals, to feel their suffering and to use what defines us as human beings: love and creativity. If we were able to create new systems that are more sustainable and respectful of animals and the environment, we would all benefit.

Joaquin Phoenix’s speech and the memory of his brother

River Phoenix was Joaquin’s older brother. She was a young promise from the world of cinema. Unfortunately, he lost his life due to an overdose on October 31, 1993, at the age of 23. In the speech given on the night of the Oscars it was inevitable not to mention him.

And in fact, Joaquin does it through a sentence from his brother. Words that were in tune with his message and his speech: “Run to help someone with love and peace will follow .

So let’s stay with this idea, with the essence of this love that can act as the most powerful engine of the human being. The one capable of allowing a change to create a sustainable development of the planet and safeguard all its precious inhabitants. We sincerely hope that Joaquin Phoenix’s speech will not be forgotten.

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