Whoever Proves To Do Me Good Will Be Part Of My Life

Whoever proves to do me good will be part of my life

Those who add and give something to the person I am and who intend to do me good must be part of my life ”. This is one of the messages we need to convey when we feel disappointed.

In our relationships, it’s not all plain sailing and sometimes the conflicts we have with others hurt and crush us. This aspect is perfectly normal, at least if we then manage to resolve the situation in the right way.


The hard time of separation

Some separations are essential for our personal growth. Despite this, saying goodbye is very difficult and it is even more difficult when, in that goodbye, we have to abandon an important part of our existence.

In this sense, when we let go and make the decision to put an end, we must first give thanks for everything we have learned and forgotten by continuing to revolve around something that has not done us good. Another way to give a different meaning to separations is to understand that everything, absolutely everything, makes us learn and shows us something that, before, we did not see.


When the “NO” of love hurts us

Not being loved causes two serious wounds in us: that of abandonment and that of humiliation. The second is easier to recognize, because it involves bringing suffering out into the open and making our own what we consider a failure, but which actually makes us human.

This confuses us and then, for a while, we only hear the echo of a frustrating drum roll that we don’t know how to put an end to, because we don’t understand where it comes from or how to communicate with it.

As much as we love ourselves, as much as we know each other and as decisive as our decisions are, choosing to say goodbye is always excruciatingly painful.


After a goodbye we are no longer the same

In goodbyes there is always something that breaks us inside, that scratches our happiness, our hopes and our feelings. This part will never be the same again, it will never rebuild and it will never rise again every morning with us.

This makes us feel nostalgia and a deep sadness, it gives rise to fantasies about what could have been and what was not, as well as a profound fear of farewell that pushes us to grasp the impossible.


After all, closing the doors of our life to someone implies pain and in a similar process we suffer. However, these goodbyes are necessary to rediscover ourselves and to reposition our affection and our emotional essence.

People change and the relationships that exist in the world change with them. This happens even if we do our best to make sure it doesn’t happen. Despite this, saying goodbye to relationships that are not good for us and for which there is no solution, is a real lifesaver.

When we realize that something is wrong and that, for no reason, positive feelings shine when we are apart, it is important to repeat to ourselves that

we have the possibility to choose who we want to have in our life and who, instead, has to get out of it


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