How Do We Psychologists See Our Patients?

How do we psychologists see our patients?

Most people who go to a psychologist do so because they are in a state of emotional instability and want to improve their condition. Patients undergoing therapy often only decide to do so when they are about to hit rock bottom and lose control.

It is precisely at that point that we psychologists realize the immense strength and courage of those people who, instead of getting lost in a thousand excuses, decide to confront themselves.

Although there are many prejudices about this profession and society does not know very well what the tasks of a psychologist are, patients who undergo therapy see it as an opportunity to regain control of their life. They will have to learn to abandon some of the behaviors, automatisms and thoughts that brought them this far.

Today with this article we want to let patients who turn to a psychologist know that we all consider them courageous people, with a strong sense of responsibility towards themselves. And we know how false is the label of “crazy” that our society, full of fears and preconceptions, often gives them.

Psychologists don’t give advice, they plan therapy

If you need advice, ask your best friend, partner or family member. They know you and are the best people to ask for advice.

However, if you need someone to explain to you the reason for your behavior and your feelings, choosing the strategies and treatment that best suit your personal characteristics, then you must contact a psychologist.

We are aware of how difficult it is to decide to ask a psychologist for a meeting. For this reason, we try to always give all possible information from the beginning and that during therapy you know exactly what we are working on and why.

For a psychologist, it is very gratifying to see that, after having worked so hard on the thoughts and emotions that hurt a person, he is now finally able to keep them under control. When this happens, the patient feels much better, undertakes new activities, approaches problem situations by looking at them from a different point of view, and is able to filter his thoughts to see them in a much more objective way.

We are convinced that many more people would decide to seek help from a psychologist if they knew how extraordinary the results can be, both on a personal and social level.

We learn together with our patients

Psychotherapy is a process made up of experiences and dialogue, in which the therapist and the patient influence each other and give rise to a transformation and mutual learning. It is not only the patient who changes, learns and transforms himself, but also the psychologist, to a greater or lesser extent.

Like all good teachers, we psychologists also learn from the example of our patients. But perhaps it is good to clarify what it means that our patients teach us something. Often, in fact, when we tell a patient that we admire him for his courage or for the decisions he has made, he responds with a surprised and perplexed look, as if he does not believe our words.

But we must not forget that all of us, patients and psychologists, are exposed to suffering and disappointment in life, and that, on the other hand, we share the desire to improve our feeling of well-being, happiness and peace.

The teachings that our patients transmit to us during psychotherapy sessions are not explicit, but implicit: thanks to their lucidity, their commitment, their path and their ability to make important decisions, we too improve as people.

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