Count On Me: People Know How To Help

“Count on me”, four words that encourage us in moments when we have lost our temper. In this article, we talk about when we are offered this invaluable help.
Count on me: people know how to help

There are people who are our salvation in difficult times . Those who tell us “count on me” and do not hesitate to be there for us. They are wonderful beings who offer us company and refuge.

Sometimes we need them, sometimes we are more independent, even if we like to have their support. But what is the real role they play in our life? We talk about it in today’s article. We will also show characteristics of people who say “count on me” and current research data.

Couple embraced

Who only people who say “count on me”?

Each person is unique. Those who tell us “you can count on me” can be: the people who are there whenever we need them; those who, although not present, offer us their support; and those that give us a hand, but are not always available.

Being able to rely on someone does not mean that they are always there. Furthermore, if it is present, it can be present in different ways. For example, there are those who support us despite the distance.

These people may be more generous in their relationships . However, they are not because, although they provide support to the other, they respect their own spaces. In other words, they have set limits. We must think that this is also the attitude of professionals; despite being dedicated to their work, they carve out personal spaces.

Then there are the people who are always there whenever we need them . While this can be very “profitable” for the person requesting, it can also be exhausting for the person giving, as they gradually give up their needs in order to be present.

Why  is it important to have a support person?

Sometimes we may think that it is not important to receive the support of others. However, it is precisely its absence or lack that can negatively affect our health. On the other hand, sometimes we refuse the help of others, a gesture that does not necessarily have to indicate that we do not need it.

We can refuse to accept it for other factors. For example, out of shame or fear of accepting our vulnerability. However, getting someone’s support can improve our life.

The human being develops in different fields and the psychosocial one is one of them. Its importance is due to the fact that we can count on greater security, feel protected, develop empathy, express what we feel and motivate ourselves, among other factors.

Furthermore, the degree of satisfaction on a psychosocial level influences the other aspects of our development : physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual. This happens because we are integral beings. As a result, having people who tell us “count on me” can be one more step towards improving our well-being.

Now, not all the people who accompany us with this sentence are really helpful. The important thing is to surround yourself with those with whom you can establish healthy relationships, who offer us support and affection while respecting those limits that we do not want to overcome.

Girls hugging are counting on me

“Count on me”: why is social support being studied?

Health is defined by the World Health Organization as “the state of physical, psychological and social well-being” . Therefore, having a support network can contribute to our well-being, although the other two fields, physical and psychological, are also essential.

Numerous researchers are devoting themselves to studying these aspects. For example, Nunes Baptista, Rigotto, Ferrari Cardoso and Marín Rueda, who published the article “S oporte social, familiar y autoconcepto: relación entre los constructos ” (“social, family and self- concept support: relationship between constructs”), suggest that there are differences in the perception of social and family support in men and women and that this affects the person’s feeling of well-being and may be related to self-concept.

Other studies focus on health and its link with social support . Lemos Giráldez and Fernández Hermida discuss this problem in their article published in the journal Psichotema , in which they review their influence on health and suggest that social support could be crucial in the course of some disorders.

Having someone who helps us feel welcome guarantees us wonderful support, especially in those times when we need it . On the other hand, asking for this help does not make us inferior to anyone, it does not reduce our dignity. Indeed, in many cases it is an exercise of intelligence and courage.

Telling someone “count on me” can also help a person, who sees no way out of their problem, to move forward . By offering our hands, that person could change their attitude. Our words, our hugs and our actions can bring someone back into the light who has been lost in a deep abyss. It can all start with four simple words. “Count on me”.

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