Relationships Are The Mirror In Which We See Ourselves

Relationships are the mirror in which we see ourselves

Obviously human relations interest us and concern us; we cannot remain indifferent to it. Little by little, we discover who we are through the eyes of others;  every person we know over the course of a lifetime can bring us something different.

Are you open to the possibility that each person can bring something important to your lives? Depending on how open you are, this probability is more or less likely. The important thing is to recognize that each person has this potential in your life, just as you have it in the lives of others. Paying attention to this possibility and taking advantage of it is up to you.

Relationships seen as a learning opportunity

Every relationship we have is potentially important. All the encounters we live can make us discover many things about ourselves, be it our partner, our family, our friends, our work colleagues or just acquaintances. All relationships can impact us.

Any relationship turns into an opportunity to check how we react in front of different people, how we communicate, how we feel, what makes us feel bad, which behaviors make us happy and which ones make us angry.

All the reactions we have within our bonds have to do with an aspect of ourselves that we are not aware of or that we do not know.

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When we look at each other thinking about how we feel, we lose an interesting point of view. If it is not the other who has provoked a certain emotion in us, but we have had a particular reaction to his behavior, we can investigate and ask ourselves what originated it. It is an opportunity to know why we have certain reactions in our life.

Asking ourselves this question means being aware of the fact that it is not the other who has made us angry, hurt or saddened, just as it is not other people who give us happiness, joy or enthusiasm. The whole repertoire of emotions, whether pleasant or not, is generated by us through the bond; these are responses that we issue based on our experience and beliefs.

Relationships are the mirror of ourselves  

There are many feelings, desires and intentions that, for some reason, make us feel ashamed, so we categorically reject them. They are part of us, but we are not willing to see them and, to defend ourselves from them, we make use of projection: we project onto others what we do not want to see in us.

We have emotional reactions that activate projection; these can be both positive and negative. In the case of the positive ones, we reflect on others a part that we love about ourselves, that we appreciate and value positively, and of which we are not aware. As for the negative ones, we reflect on others something about us that we do not love, that we would like to censor, and we do everything possible not to recognize it. This causes an inner conflict that interferes with relationships.

The interesting aspect of being able to recognize our projections is to see how our attitude and our impressions of our surroundings are basically the ideas of rejection that live within us.

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The relationships you build speak of you

Even if you sometimes think you can’t get anything out of a particular relationship, know that each person can offer you great love, great companionship, and important life lessons. You do not have to be demanding with what surrounds you and wait for all this wealth to come from the outside, because it is an internal matter. Everything that is significant in your lives appears when you are willing to embrace it.

No one can give you integrity and stability, and it is also not right to place the weight of this responsibility on others. These things must come from within you and their path is facilitated by the relationships you maintain.

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