Emotional Exhaustion: Forcing Oneself To Be Strong

Emotional exhaustion: forcing yourself to be strong

Emotional exhaustion is a state that is reached as a result of excessive exertion. In this case we are not talking only of excesses of work, but of an inordinate burden of conflicts, responsibilities or emotional or cognitive stimuli.

You don’t get emotional exhaustion overnight. It is a process that slowly incubates until the person  collapses. This break plunges the subject into a state of paralysis, deep depression or chronic illness. There is a collapse in the life of the subject, because he literally can’t take it anymore.

Although emotional exhaustion is experienced as mental fatigue, it is usually accompanied by enormous physical fatigue. When it occurs, a feeling of heaviness takes over, of impossibility to proceed. We therefore fall into an inertia from which it is difficult to escape.

The causes of emotional exhaustion

Emotional exhaustion occurs because there is an imbalance between what you give and what you receive. Those who are victims of this mechanism give all of themselves to work, at home, in the couple relationship or in any other sector.

Woman surrounded by birds

In general,  qu esto happens in areas where there is a great need that, in turn, seems to require great sacrifice.  For example, a job with a high risk of being laid off or a troubled family whose members require a lot of attention. It also happens when we have a conflicting partner or one with severe difficulties.

The normal thing is that the exhausted person doesn’t have much time for themselves. Nor does it receive sufficient recognition , affection or consideration. Only a perennial “giving” is expected of her. As if he had no needs, or as if he were stronger than the others and could endure everything.

The first symptoms of emotional exhaustion

Before the actual emotional exhaustion appears, there are some clues that herald it.  These are signals to which, in principle, we do not give much importance. If we give it to him, we can take action in time.

The initial symptoms of emotional exhaustion are:

  • Physical fatigue. The person often feels fatigued. Ever since she opens her eyes in the morning, she’s overwhelmed by everything that awaits her throughout the day.
  • Insomnia. An emotionally exhausted person does not sleep well. She constantly thinks about her problems, which makes it difficult for her to sleep.
  • Irritability. One is frequently annoyed and one loses self-control. The exhausted person is in a bad mood and too sensitive to any criticism or disapproval.
  • Lack of motivation. Those suffering from emotional exhaustion begin to act mechanically. As if he is obliged to do what he does. He does not feel enthusiasm or interest in his activities.
  • Affective detachment. Emotions begin to get flatter and flatter. As if, in reality, practically nothing was proved.
  • Frequent forgetfulness. The saturation of information and / or stimuli causes memory problems. Less important things are easily forgotten.
  • Difficulty thinking. The person feels confused easily. Each activity generates a greater waste of time than before. Think slowly.
Woman suffering from emotional exhaustion

How to get out of emotional exhaustion

The best way to overcome emotional exhaustion is, of course, to rest.  You need to find some free time to relax and rest assured. People who demand too much of themselves spend several years without going on vacation, for example. This is not to be done. Sooner or later, this only causes fatigue and exhaustion. It would be a good idea to take a few days to rest.

Another solution is to work to build a different attitude towards daily tasks. Every day there must be moments to devote to commitments and others to rest and carry out activities that are rewarding. You have to put aside perfection or compliance.

Finally, it is very  important to make ourselves aware of ourselves. There is nothing better than dedicating a little time to it every day.  Breathe, reconnect with ourselves and with what we desire. It is essential to develop an attitude of understanding and goodness with ourselves. Otherwise, sooner or later, it will be impossible for us to move forward.

Images courtesy of Mahyar Kalantar

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