Speaking Fluently: Much More Than A Question Of Image

Speaking fluently is a factor that affects the evolution of our relationships and also our self-esteem and the ability to manage conflicts.
Speaking fluently: much more than a question of image

Speaking fluently is a factor that influences, and not a little, the evolution of our relationships. It also indirectly determines our self-esteem and our ability to manage conflicts. This ability goes far beyond being a mask for the image we project of ourselves. If we are able to express ourselves easily, our life as a whole is enriched and improved.

Language and expression are realities directly associated with thought and emotions. A confused thought or very intense and fluctuating emotions are an obstacle to our ability to speak confidently.

On the other hand, speaking fluently does not necessarily mean talking a lot or carrying the weight of the conversation on your shoulders. In fact, people who find it hard to give the floor can even generate outright rejection in others.

The ideal is to develop the ability to say what we think as accurately as possible and at the most appropriate time. How can this be done? Here are some tips that may be useful for this purpose.

To speak fluently, meditate and listen

Meditation is one of the most suitable tools for clearing thoughts and putting them in order. Consequently, it is also a good way to improve our ability to speak fluently. It will not be necessary to become a Tibetan monk, it will be enough to dedicate a few minutes a day to breathe deeply, trying to clear the mind.

This practice, little by little, will lead to thinking in a more orderly and precise way. It will also allow small ideas to have less and less space in the mind. An enlightened and concentrated mind always adopts the reflection of fluency in expressing itself.

Listening is another tool par excellence for raising our expression skills. It improves communication skills and helps establish a bond. If others feel they are being listened to, the likelihood that they will listen to us in turn will increase. So, the relationship will benefit.

Young man meditating

Read, write and say what you think

Through reading the lexicon is enriched and the intuitive knowledge of linguistic structures is purified. It happens without us noticing. A good novel, an essay or poems put us in contact with the purest forms of language. And this increases the chances of speaking confidently.

Writing, for its part, is an activity that helps us to put ideas in order and to shape them. To write we need order, an order to which we often appeal in the face of the need to give a tone to our voice. In this sense, the thought and sketched speech gives us a plus of self-confidence when it comes to formulating a thought.

On the other hand, it is very important to learn to trust your voice. For this reason, it is advisable not to measure every sentence, modifying it until it is artificial, false and far from what you feel. When the thought is already there and you have it very clear, there is no reason to be silent. Don’t be the first to gag your feelings, unless there is a valid reason. Otherwise, the lack of oxygen can end up harming you, and not a little.

Simplicity, respect and emotion

Speaking fluently has nothing to do with searching for noble words or particular strategies. Nor by assuming such a high degree of formality in the way of expressing oneself that it seems totally artificial. In this sense, speaking in a simple and direct way will ensure that others understand us sooner and better. 

Moreover, it is necessary to respect the interlocutor. Know his name and mention it when talking to him in the first place. But respecting also means accepting the ideas of others and not insulting those of those who think differently. You can express your disagreement by giving up that typical form of intolerance.

In today’s world, it is very easy to hear people expressing themselves in a neutral way. Many think that doing so means greater security or autonomy. The “subjective” has acquired a certain negative connotation, but it doesn’t have to be that way . The relative is still valid and it is our right to express subjective appreciation towards what we want. 

Speak fluently

Two concluding recommendations to speak fluently

Very often, an open and communicative attitude is the key to avoiding or resolving misunderstandings. In that sense, hiding one’s opinions because they don’t match those of others is not a good idea at all. This will increase the tension to the point that, not being able to take it anymore, we will explode saying phrases that we don’t really think …

On the other hand, in case you are afraid to talk about how you feel, especially when this feeling is positive, we advise you to make an effort to overcome the fear. Thus, in addition to nourishing the self-love of others, you will also indirectly nourish yours: it will be easy for others, or a good part of them, to adopt the same attitude towards you.

Speaking fluently also helps make relationships with others more natural, while increasing the feeling of autonomy and freedom. Better communication with yourself and with others will have a positive impact on your quality of life.

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