Learn To Program Your Brain

Learn to program the brain

Many people believe that emotions are what gives us one form and not another, and that’s partly true. Along with feelings, they allow us to be who we are, although our experiences also have their share of responsibility. We usually always live by “updating” or remembering the feelings of the past. It is the same chemical process over and over again.

One of the questions you can ask yourself to realize if you really need to change or reprogram your brain or not is: what is the feeling that pervades me every day, serving as the perfect excuse not to change anything?

You may say that you are able to eliminate the guilt, the shame, the feeling that you don’t deserve to be happy, that you are worthless, and this is an excellent way to start. Thus you will get rid of everything that destroys you, that keeps you locked up, that traps you or that keeps you prisoner. The states mentioned above are the ones that prompt you to behave as if you were a caged animal.

Ask yourself what you can or want to achieve, what story or character you admire and can emulate. You are solely responsible for what happens to you because, although you may say that others lead you to feel bad or depressed, you decide to continue on this path. You can change your mindset to create new paths in which the brain can transit in a more peaceful or, at least, different from the known one.

Don’t be afraid of what you don’t know or what you don’t know, there is no reason why the unknown is negative 100% of the time. The brain has been shown to help treat the most harmful diseases, such as cancer or diabetes. According to the most prestigious scientists in the world, thoughts are converted into matter. People fear the ability of the brain’s architecture to change, there is no doubt about that.

First of all it is good to specify that you must accept it and believe it. Understanding that there is a higher intelligence, above what we know, which is inside us, but which is dormant. We just have to wake her up.

Secondly, accept that it is your thoughts and reactions that lead you to get sick  (there is a scientific field called psychoneuroimmunology which shows that there is a connection between mind and body), that are in a certain way, that respond in a certain way. a certain way, to react in front of every stimulus and so on.

The third step in this path of mind reprogramming is to reinvent yourself, that is, to think about how you would like to be, whether physically, mentally or spiritually. From seeing you thinner to being more compassionate, going through swelling your legs to not getting angry about everything. Meditate or imagine yourself with that trait already “included in your inventory”.

The frontal lobe of the brain represents 40% of its totality. When you are focused or more focused on something, it acts as a volume control. By having connections with all parts of the body, you can increase or decrease it as you wish.

This means that even the circuits that are set in motion to move the body, perceive what surrounds you or feel emotions can change reality. You just have to focus your mind on a single thought, on that desire, that dream, that goal and the brain will take care of the rest.

The mind, under certain conditions, hardly distinguishes what is real from what is invented. By wanting to reprogram it, you are modifying many details that have been preserved for years. This is not only for internal or external changes in your body, but also for what you actually want to achieve, such as a home, a partner, a job, a car, a trip, etc. Imagine it over and over and you will increase the chances of it becoming a reality. The mechanism is very similar to what works with self-fulfilling prophecies.

It is possible to change your mindset by creating new connections that start from the brain and reach other areas of the body by strengthening thinking, establishing priorities, using the part of the mind that is in charge of fulfilling the fantasies.

There is nothing mystical in the results of these investigations, but it is the intelligence itself that organizes and regulates the functions of the body, and that allows the heart to beat a hundred thousand times a day, that allows us to breathe a thousand times or to beat. eyelids without thinking about it. The mind is also in charge of nearly seventy liver functions, gastric juices and many more tasks.

Finally, it is worth pointing out that every time you think you are manufacturing different chemicals. Negative thoughts produce harmful signals for the body. Give it a try: think of something sad and in a few seconds sadness will invade your body. On the contrary, imagine something cheerful or laugh at a joke and you will realize that the predisposition is another. Everything, really everything, is in the hands of the brain.

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