Smartphone Zombies: How To Limit The Phenomenon

The so-called zombie smartphones are the new urban fauna that always walks with its eyes fixed on the mobile phone
Zombie smartphones: how to limit the phenomenon

The so-called zombie smartphones are the new urban fauna that always walks with its eyes fixed on the mobile phone. Those who cannot do without a telephone even while walking expose themselves to a series of risks as they lose contact with their surroundings, ignoring moving vehicles or other pedestrians.

Applications like Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter or Instagram are able to absorb all our attention, even while we walk. This habit, beyond the risks it implies, makes us lose consciousness of what surrounds us and its changes.

The dangers of zombiewalking

Although you may know the streets of our neighborhood or the city well, walking on foot requires attention. The changes that occur in the environment in which we move are generally not fast, but they are always variations to be aware of.

For this reason, the zombie smartphone (those who practice distracted walking or distracted walking) puts their health at risk.

Smartphone zombie, man walking staring at cellphone

The term zombiewalker has an ancestor. At the beginning of the twentieth century, with the spread of cars, there was an intense awareness campaign which aimed to alert distracted pedestrians. At that time they were called jaywalkers. The term was coined to indicate those people who moved from rural areas to large cities and who remained speechless in front of buildings, monuments, billboards, the intense pedestrian bustle.

The distraction, together with the lack of awareness of the dangers associated with car traffic, increased the risk of accidents. Contemporary society has given birth to a new version of jaywalker, the zombiewalker.

Attempts to deter zombie smartphones

In Spain, several campaigns have been launched to alert and deter zombie smartphones . In the province of Murcia, the municipality of San Javier has decided to alert pedestrians with a traffic sign. The curious sign reads: “Pedestrian pays attention while walking. Whatsapp can wait “.

In central London, on the other hand, traffic lights, interactive pedestrian crossings and other signs are being tested to prevent pedestrian accidents. It might seem strange, but there are numerous cases of minor walking accidents, since keeping our eyes fixed on the display limits our peripheral vision.

In many countries, there is still discussion about the punitive measures to be taken against pedestrians who are distracted on the phone while crossing the street. The threat of a fine, while it may seem like a strict measure, may be the only way to avoid accidents. In Taiwan, for example, the proposal reached parliament following numerous incidents of this type.

Hand with cellphone

Technology in aid of the zombie smartphone

There are mobile applications designed to meet zombie smartphones. An interesting example is the Transparent Screen which uses the cell phone’s camera to create a transparency effect on the display and allow the pedestrian to see what’s behind the cell phone.

There are several mobile phone manufacturers who are thinking of equipping their devices with such applications. However, it is a solution that, however useful and effective, can become counterproductive and encourage this bad habit.

The best solution therefore remains the sense of responsibility and measure, the only ones that allow to reduce the risk and accidents. And, in case you really need to consult your smartphone, learn to stop for a few seconds, after making sure you are not in a risky position and not getting in the way of anyone.

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