What Is Codependency?

What is codependency?

“Freedom means responsibility; that’s why many fear it. ” (George Bernard Shaw)

Codependency is a psychological condition whereby one person becomes emotionally attached to another. This condition is by no means positive.

Why can’t you make up your own mind? Why do you need to keep everything under control and when something escapes you, the world collapses on you? If that person is not there, what do you do? A codependent person has all these fears.

Do you want to know if you are a codependent person? We encourage you to take this test before reading on: Emotional Dependency Test.

A codependent person is …


The codependent person lives according to others, he abandons himself. It relies on the decisions of others, feeds on the opinions of other people and underestimates itself.

For the codependent person, others are more important. He will always ask himself questions like: “what would he do in my place?”, “How would he behave?”. The codependent person is unable to think for himself.

He has a craving for control

As we have seen, the codependent person always needs someone to make decisions, to live and also to be happy. Since he cannot live otherwise, he will want to have control over everything and will have manipulative tendencies to control everything and everyone. She doesn’t want anyone to leave her, she can’t exist without others.

She doubts herself

The codependent person cannot face the world, life, alone. He doesn’t even know how to live without being emotionally dependent on someone. How can he do it? It is impossible for her.

Her insecurity and fears prevent her from making decisions. Coping with life without a shoulder to lean on will only cause her terror and anxiety, so much so that she will look for someone who meets this need.

How can codependency be overcome?

If you feel attached to someone who is the center of your world, the reason for your existence without which you cannot face the challenges of life, and you are wondering if it is possible to change this condition and stop being codependent, the answer is yes .

Why do you have the impression that your life is not worth it? What is it that prevents you from not being dependent on someone? Search within yourself why you feel inferior, reflect and think whether this is really the case or not. You are worth no less than the others. Why not start from scratch?

Like any codependent person, your thoughts will be flooded with phrases like: “I don’t know”, “they can’t do it”, “someone else could do it better”. Eliminate these thoughts and if they resurface, fight them.

Nobody knows everything, nobody knows how to do everything. But there is something everyone can do: learn. Can’t you do it? Then learn. What is it you can’t do? Are you really sure? Have you really tried? Don’t seek help, don’t lean on other people. Try to be addicted.

Many circumstances can overwhelm you, but know that it happens to everyone. The good thing is that they can be overcome and successfully. You cannot think of leaning on other people because this support can become unstable. Are you looking for a more solid support? No. There is nothing better than self-confidence, this is the best support.

You know what you are worth and what your strengths are. So what are you waiting for to exploit them? Work on it to learn to value yourself and not to depend on anyone.

Look for a reason to be cheerful every day. Don’t pay attention to what others are doing, it only matters what you do. Just look at other people as a model. Each of us is unique. Make your life unique. Don’t be codependent !

Persevere. It is difficult, it is true, but it is not impossible. Keep looking ahead. You won’t always have someone to rely on and when you do, will you let the world fall on you? You are strong, intelligent, responsible.

You don’t need others, you don’t need someone to be able to live. Live your life, value yourself, be unique. Your life must not depend on anyone, only on yourself.

Are you codependent? If so, we hope our advice will help you. Even if the best help is your willpower. Don’t allow yourself to depend on anyone! Experience the freedom to live without being codependent.

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