The Inferiority Complex

The inferiority complex

The complexes have almost become a hobby for some psychological currents. Nowadays there are many types of complexes, from the “Brummel Complex” (tendency to dress too elegant) to the naiveté like the “Red Riding Hood Complex” (punctual servility, even when wolves are lurking).

In reality, these classifications are more concerned with giving a label than an explanation for understanding what one is and why one acts in a certain way.

Speaking clearly, there are only two complexes that were postulated thanks to psychoanalysis: the Oedipus complex and the castration complex. However, many others have derived from these, among which the inferiority complex, popularized by Alfred Adler in the early twentieth century, stands out. From here on, the word complex has become something of a wildcard that can refer to almost any human act.

The complexes are strong

In order not to fall into words that make us go off topic, we give you a simple definition of complexes. A complex is an irrational thought or a distorted idea we have about ourselves. And even if it is a wrong idea, we believe it is true and we act accordingly, as if it were true. The theme becomes interesting if we go back to the etymology of the word. “Complex” comes from the Latin “complectere”, which means to embrace or surround. If we follow this line of meaning, then, we can deduce that a complex is an invisible force that imprisons us. It infiltrates our being: it surrounds us.

If we suffer from an inferiority complex, we are certain that we are inferior to other human beings. Smaller, more defenseless, more miserable … less suitable, less capable, less important. The question is: is it the truth? How did this idea infiltrate us? Do we really think this about ourselves or are we trapped, embraced and surrounded by the looks of others?

The fatal circle

If it were just a matter of opinion, it would be better. The problem is that those with an inferiority complex suffer a lot. And the worst part is that he acts in a desperate and reckless way, to reaffirm the sad opinion he has of himself or to prove that it is not true. These are the people who begin to throw themselves into risky or overly ambitious ventures, which later, of course, end in sensational failures. There are also people who never try, because they feel they fail even before they try.

The fact is, we don’t want to give you a self-esteem recipe. There is no need to repeat 40 times in front of the mirror how beautiful, important, intelligent you are and how successful you will be. These self-suggestion formulas are scams that only distract you.

The only thing we can suggest to you in such a short article is that you reflect on a few questions:

• What prevents you from being the person you want to be, are your faults or your attitude towards them?

• Do you get carried away by situations that are in line with what you really want to do or do you prefer to leave it alone?

• What do you think about the concepts of humility and honor? You are like “I’m worse than the idiots who criticize me” or “I was born to suffer and I won’t be at peace unless I suffer”. Which of these two types are you?

Photo courtesy of BAEZ-DUARTE

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