Conscious Leadership: The 7 Key Points

Lately the concept of leadership is transforming. The role of managers has changed direction, towards a conscious and more effective type of leadership.
Conscious leadership: the 7 key points

Conscious leadership is based on the figure of a leader who is able to identify all aspects of the work environment. In addition to this, he must be able to evaluate its importance and to maintain control at all times.

Seen in this respect, conscious leadership differs greatly from the traditional concept of leader. Until recently, these figures were identified with unscrupulous entrepreneurs, interested only in the pure economic benefit.

While these figures continue to exist, companies have now taken an alternative route. According to many companies, adopting this new philosophy is the only way to avoid the collapse due to the growing irresponsibility of our society.

What does conscious leadership consist of?

Leading an organization is not an easy task and requires a lot of skills, time and energy. Those who play this role often fall into the trap of achieving goals at all costs. In doing so, he neglects his personal life, his balance and the needs of his group and organization.

Conscious leadership skills

A leader who practices conscious leadership is always attentive to these aspects. He is aware of their importance and is able to control them to carry out the various activities of the company. But also to foment the personal growth of his collaborators.

Ultimately, a conscious leader knows how to combine the achievement of goals with the well-being of his work team.

It is a concept that leads to a close relationship between conscious leadership and mindfulness. The latter is defined as an individual’s ability to pay full attention to the present moment. It is a particularly relevant skill in the case of social responsibility. In fact, it allows leaders to notice changes in the environment and identify the best actions to take.

Identify your own and others’ needs

Of course, conscious leadership goes beyond just knowing your surroundings. It is also a method that allows you to know yourself. According to this philosophy, no leader can always worry about his group without taking care of his personal needs. He must maintain a situation of well-being in his own life as well.

This does not mean that a conscious leader is fighting for his interests above anything else. It simply means that in order to be sensitive to the needs of others, he will have to identify himself and use his empathy.

The seven key points of conscious leadership

Below we list the 7 main characteristics that a conscious leader should demonstrate. In this way, it will also be easier to understand the ideas presented above.

1. Work and listen

Knowledgeable leaders talk to co-workers, but they also know how to listen. Both in groups and individually, it is important to deepen the needs, but also the abilities of each individual.

2. Lead by example

Asking your subordinates to do a certain task is easy. But if you want the group to really follow you, you need to be the first to take action.

3. Promote collaboration between colleagues

If competitiveness is added to teamwork, it is not a negative variable. Indeed, if it does not create conflicts or misunderstandings, it allows to achieve both individual and common goals. It is important to be able to manage conflicts that may arise between group members. Conflicts often originate from the aspirations of individual members.

Collaboration between colleagues

4. Observe the environment carefully

A good leader knows the importance of action, but not only that. The conscious leader, in fact, must also be able to see things in perspective. It has to observe what happens in the environment from different points of view. Only in this way will he be able to see different options, reconcile positions and bring new ideas.

5. Demonstrate clarity when making a decision

Decisions made must bring security to the group. This is one of the greatest characteristics of conscious leaders. When the objectives to be achieved are clear, the group will no longer have doubts and will feel safe.

6. Conscious leadership and assertiveness

A conscious leader must be assertive, meaning able to assert himself while respecting others. In practice, he will have to express his thoughts and wishes in a simple and honest way, suitable for each member of the group. This allows you to gain confidence and see the various aspects of working life more clearly.

7. Be aware of your mistakes

This is perhaps the most difficult point to put into practice, but it is also one of the indispensable elements of conscious leadership. The leader must be a guide for the group, a point of reference. However, it is equally essential that he is human and that he transmits closeness to his collaborators.

In short, conscious leadership brings together many of the characteristics that companies look for in a garment. A conscious leader is very valuable, because he is able to achieve goals, but also to take care of his collaborators. To do this, he uses the obstacles that arise and transforms them into opportunities, so that the group never loses sight of the common goal.

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