Sadness Is Not The End Of The World

Sadness is not the end of the world

How many times has sadness felt like the end of the world ? You will certainly remember those moments when you believed that your life was a deep dark tunnel where you could not see a way out. However, there is always a reason not to lose faith and hope. You just have to know how to find it.

Sadness is not the end of the world. It is actually all in our mind. It depends on us to fall into pessimistic and melancholy states that make everything around us gloomy and anodyne.

How does sadness begin?

Sadness is an emotion that, if we are not prepared, cautious and strong, can take possession of our being. It takes very little for it to happen and is highly addictive, as Flaubert said.

blue flower

A tough process, such as the loss of a loved one, can cause deep sadness. The lack of love, an unsatisfactory job, complex family situations, conflicts and disappointments… There are dozens of reasons that can trigger depressive situations that are difficult to overcome.

Sadness is not inherently bad. After a complicated situation, it is a completely natural and acceptable state of mind. We would not be human beings with feelings if after the loss of a loved one, we did not suffer from the emptiness left.

However, it is not good to abandon the helm of our mind to the whims of any emotion, including sadness. It is logical to keep mourning temporary, but not to make it eternal.

Overcoming the stages of sadness

Our reason will take care of informing the time necessary for us. Once the trauma has been overcome, nothing prevents us from progressively integrating ourselves into a life that does not necessarily have to be invaded by sadness and disappointment.

We must never be uncompromising and deny ourselves to overcome problems. In our mind lies the ability to move forward, to be optimistic, to act in a positive way and to try to be happy.

There isn’t a button in the brain that turns sadness on and off. However, we know what makes us happy, entertains us and enlightens us. This is the direction to look in order to overcome sadness.

Sadness must never be the end of the world, quite the opposite. It must be the beginning of a new life in which to value more what surrounds us. Enjoy all that you have achieved, because nothing justifies your eternal existence in a depressive state.

Reasons to keep going

Go out and see what you got. Friends, family, work… we all have successes to be happy about, which allow us to be positive and live the present with happiness, while looking to the future with hope.

There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. At first it will be distant and tenuous, but with effort and tenacity, we will get closer to it making it bigger each day, allowing it to shine like a star in the firmament.

Seek the sources of your happiness. Do you think that the friend who has left would not want you sad, trust the people who love you, carry out activities that you like and enjoy, look for the positive aspect of yourself and squeeze it to the last drop … ultimately, enjoy every second of your life, because it is unique and unrepeatable.

happy girl in a field

An emotion, such as sadness, does not represent the end of the world. In fact, there are many reasons  why it is worthwhile to go on and not be overwhelmed by a feeling that pushes us towards melancholy.

Speak from your heart, directly and sincerely. Look for everything in it that pleases you, excites you and makes you happy. Practice self-love and affection for others every day and always remember that sadness is not the end of the world, but a situation that forces you to move forward with a greater desire to be happy day after day.


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