Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Biography Of An Immortal Genius

Unlike other geniuses, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was not a rebel to the bitter end or transgressive, but a man happily devoted to his passion for music and the joy of creating.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, biography of an immortal genius

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart had a life full of great contrasts, at all levels. He died when he was just 35 years old, but he left us more than 600 compositions and about 132 unfinished. He was a true celebrity as a child, but at the end of his short life he suffered misery and fell into oblivion. He went down in history as a musical genius representing the end of the classical period and the beginning of romanticism.

From the marriage between Leopold Mozart and Anna Maria Pertl, seven children were born, but only two survived: Maria Anna and Wolfang Amadeus, the youngest. The father devoted his whole life to music. He had studied singing, organ and composition at a Benedictine college in Salzburg. Then he became a violinist at the Habsburg court and was a singing and violin teacher of the emperor’s sons.

Maria Anna, whom everyone affectionately called Nannerl, was five years older than Wolfgang Amadeus. She too was an excellent pianist. However, due to his brother’s success, he at some point decided to give up his aspirations. Unfortunately, the family’s resources were not sufficient for both children.

A singular childhood

It all began when Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was 4 years old. His sister Nannerl made him sit on her lap as he did his daily piano exercises. Suddenly, Wolfgang approached the piano and repeated the melody played a few seconds earlier by his sister. Amazed by what happened, the girl immediately informed her father of this prodigy.

From that moment, Leopold encouraged his son to study music and became Wolfang’s personal teacher, who proved to be an exemplary student. He loved music and did not need stimuli to study and apply himself. He already knew musical notes and symbols before he even learned to write. At the age of 6 he wrote his first composition, a sonata for piano and violin. It was a true prodigy.

Leopold organized some concerts of his two sons, initially in the presence of the Archbishop of Salzburg who at that time was the head of the government of the region. Then he took them to play around Europe. During these travels, Nannerl and Wolfang fascinated all the nobles who listened to them. The father wanted them to become famous. However, he did not think about the proceeds, which is why they were paid for with jewels of little value.

Wolfang Amadeus Mozart

The brilliant career of Wolfang Amadeus Mozart

The constant travels during his childhood inevitably damaged the already weak health of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. However, he viewed this job as a game. It is said that in one of his concerts, in front of the Empress Maria Theresa of Austria, he tripped and fell. A girl helped him up and in gratitude, Wolfang promised to marry her when they were older. That girl later became Queen Marie Antoinette of France and, of course, the promise could not be kept.

At 19, Mozart had already written more than 200 compositions. He toured Italy far and wide and it was in our country that he began to establish himself as a composer. Later, his father was forbidden to leave Salzburg, so Wolfang was able to continue his tours in the company of his mother.

Mozart’s love life was particularly irrelevant. He had a few fleeting adventures, mainly with women addicted to music. He married Constance Weber in 1782. She, however, was not exactly the ideal life partner for the great artist. They still had six children, but four died prematurely.

Wolfang Amadeus Mozart statue

A sad ending

Although Mozart was widely recognized as a musician throughout Europe, his finances were always in turmoil. Neither his wife nor he was able to save. This is why they always had great economic difficulties despite the successes of works such as The Marriage of Figaro , Don Giovanni or Little Night Serenade .

It is said that when The Magic Flute was about to finish , a mysterious man appeared who gave him the task of composing a mass for a deceased, paying him in advance. Mozart immediately got busy and worked tirelessly to compose his famous Requiem . At that time he was already very ill. The rheumatic fever did not even allow him to play the piano.

On December 4, 1791, he invited some pianist friends to perform the Requiem he had composed, since he could not do it. It is said that when he got to the “Lacrimosa” part, he began to cry. His friends then left and Mozart died at dawn. On the day of his burial there was a strong storm, so that no one took the coffin to the cemetery. His remains were thus thrown into a common grave.

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