Forbidden To Sit And Wait For Life To Happen

Forbidden to sit and wait for life to happen

If there is one thing we understand sooner or later, it is useless to wait for things to happen by themselves. To be happy, decisions must be made and only when we are able to promote a magical change within us, even what is around is involved in this harmonious movement.

One of the most notable writers in the history of literature was undoubtedly Anton Chekhov. This very expert, critical and skilled feather in the emotional and psychological world reminds us through its stories that vulgar people are those who always expect good and evil from the outside, while wise people are those who expect everything from themselves. .

On the other hand, we also know that people are often forced to wait. The teenager anxious to reach the age of majority does it, the adult who aspires to get a good job does it and, in turn, we all do it every day when we wait for the bus that will take us home. We always expect something.

The art of waiting without despair also implies the ability to plant “seeds” during the required time.  Small actions, thoughts and initiatives that alone generate movement. It’s worth a try; we invite you to reflect on this.

fairy sitting on a ladder

When to wait seems like the only option

Many have been educated in this culture of illusion and reward, where it is believed that in life, as in fairy tales, there is always a happy ending. They explained to us that frustration must be tolerated before receiving positive reinforcement;  they also told us, almost in whispers, that good things always happen to good people.

However, and after swallowing mouthful of reality after another and falling into these “bear traps” scattered throughout our life path, many have come to the conclusion that people have no control over what we call life. We think it’s best to wait, stand still and take root in our comfort zones as we fix our gaze on the windows of life, waiting for luck to knock on our door.

If good things happen to good people, why do we only experience disappointments? Are we the exception to the rule? No, life doesn’t work like that.

Waiting should never be the only option to the problems and gaps in our existence. It’s time to put our feelings aside to think about what we really need. The world is not rosy, we know, but in reality it is neither black nor hostile. Reality is of the color with which you want to see it. 

girl opening the zipper of the sweatshirt and colors come out

When you stop waiting, life changes

People are used to blaming the environment around them and the people who inhabit it for their unhappiness, for having clipped the wings of their growth and opportunities. With this pattern of thought, what we actually do is fertilize our mind with the land of malaise to plant the seeds of suffering in it.

We know that you have already heard and read it more than once : what you think affects your behavior and your emotions ; however, we do not always manage to control the reins of that indomitable horse that is fear.

“If I stop blaming my partner for my unhappiness and leave him, I will be alone and it scares me very much.” “I prefer to wait for new job offers in my country to arrive before I change city, because this step creates a lot of uncertainty.”

Almost without knowing how, our minds become authentic washing machines in which terrifying speeches and that anguish that comes from a victimization in which we limit ourselves only to seeing what is not working, instead of paying attention to the positive aspects. We need to change our cognitive styles and also understand that life does not wait, does not stop and does not warn. In fact, we are missing it.

girl walking in the forest with cheetah and flamingo

Strategies to generate change in our life

One thing we must be clear about is that there is no magic formula regarding happiness and the achievement of dreams. Each of us must be able to find the equation that works best according to our needs, character and circumstances.

However, there are some basic guidelines that can help us cross the line of fear to generate change and stop waiting. They are the following:

  • We must not be afraid of making mistakes, of making mistakes, of failing. Stopping waiting to be a little happier implies the need to decide and if any choice isn’t the best, it won’t be the end of the world because we will find out which decisions are correct.
  • Those who stop waiting and act do not do it because they are convinced that everything will be fine. He does it because it is the right thing to do, because stillness is getting us nowhere. Conversely, movement itself is life.
  • Regulate the obsession with controlling everything about you, as well as heightened anxiety. This too is a reflection of fear.
  • Stop negative speech and “ruminating” thoughts full of fatalism. They are useless, recycle them.

Do not anticipate anything that may or may not happen and just open your mind. Because life is not a problem to be solved, it is a mystery to be lived.

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