Sometimes When A Door Closes, An Entire Universe Opens

Sometimes when a door closes, an entire universe opens up

When we close a door, we don’t do it out of pride or cowardice. We do it because our investments no longer correspond to what we receive, because there is no longer the desire, because the pieces of the puzzle no longer fit together, because we no longer have enthusiasm or dreams. It is then that we must cross the line of fear to open other doors.

Although we are used to hearing the saying “When a door closes, a door opens”, there are some nuances that we need to consider. This door, this new universe of opportunity, does not appear out of nowhere as if by magic. We must look for it, facilitate its appearance and put in place certain internal mechanisms to make it open.

Everyone sometimes makes the mistake of always tuning in to the same emotional channel: that of suffering, of attachment to what has been lost, of the memory of what has not been achieved, of the bitterness of all the disappointments experienced. Because of this abyss of complex emotions, we often leave an infinite number of doors open, putting up the “you never know” sign.

However, we must pause to feel the breeze brought by these ajar doors. It is a cold wind, which smells of old, of dry tears, of unfinished dreams, in which we hear the echoes of the voices that have hurt us in the past.

It is necessary to close them for the sake of our balance and our emotional health.

takes you to another world

The door we can’t close

Before we talk about the universes that open behind doors with our name engraved on them, we need to focus on the ones we haven’t closed yet. What does it mean to close a cycle, a stage? What does it mean to leave a job or end a relationship?

First of all, it means knowing how to give up, and giving up is something no one is ever prepared for. The society and the education we have received have convinced us that we can have it all without giving up anything.

Nevertheless, if we think about it, we will realize that the simple act of maturing, growing and obtaining a certain quality of life involves learning to close doors, those doors that made an annoying wind blow against us.

Life itself forces us to make decisions all the time. We must not forget that, to be happy, decisions must be made. If we do not dare to go beyond those doors to permanently close the door of what hurts us, that does not please us and that exhausts us, we will give up our happiness.

girl towards door to another world

Happiness is priceless, but it has rules, and among them is that of being courageous and daring. Living means moving forward, putting one foot in front of the other while our heart opens up to new opportunities with a good dose of strength and courage.

Suggestions for tackling the final stage of a journey

Words unspoken when there was an opportunity and surrender to cowardice lock us in the past. The lost possibilities and the infinite “whys” with no answer weigh on our shoulders. Too many times we stare at yesterday that corrodes our present, and this is neither healthy nor natural.

No one can live in two different places at the same time: either we advance or we turn into a beautiful bookmark that remains forever in the most painful chapter of a text. Without allowing us to discover the ending of the story, our story. And this is not good, it is necessary to close the door, turn the page, become the person that we really are and that in the meantime others have tried to shape to their liking.

girl watching the universe

Strategies for ending a cycle and opening a new personal universe

Closing a door is not easy, because we do not leave behind only what makes us unhappy: sometimes we are also forced to give up things that identified us, that were ours and that gave us happiness.

Let’s see in detail some strategies:

  • Be accountable through inner dialogue. Ask yourself what has grabbed you, what is holding you back from taking the decisive step when you have to close a door. Define your fears, name them and try to rationalize them. Also ask yourself if, in a few years, you would like to be in the same place you are now.
  • Be aware of your strengths. You have talents, you emphasize your qualities, your values, your successes. Remember that your strengths can also be people who sincerely support and love you.
  • Create a plan for your near future. Visualize where and how you would like to stay in six months. Let yourself be embraced by the positive feeling that accompanies these images. Take strength from the aura they exhale.
  • Advance free of weights. Let them all go, go ahead with your heart bare, your mind warm and your eyes wide open. Walk without hatred, without resentment and without those stones that so many times you load on your shoulders, those that then make you sick and feel imprisoned because of their emotional weight.

Close the door and just look around with new hope. You are a star of the universe looking for new and wonderful opportunities, can you catch a glimpse of them?

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